1, peach blossom; Every time I open the window; Look around; You will open your mouth; Sing loudly; I saw you pick up your pink horn. Blow out a touching song; It seems to be telling something happily.
I thought for a long time; Oh; So you're telling people that spring is coming. Fallen leaves? Index finger; I picked up a fallen leaf; Look thoughtfully; The wrinkles on the dead leaves are deep. The lines on the back are like blue veins; There is no golden brilliance; Just a gray face in Zhang Qing.
It used to be so plump and bright; The dark green leaves sparkle with hope. There was a heated argument in the storm. The mask is comfortable and cool in the hot sun; Now driven by the cold current of fate. Like an old busker. Curled up along the street; Sing with a trembling bass; A dead leaf that no one understands; It turned out that my heart was lost;
2. pear trees; Hilda doolittle; Silver dust and fog; Rise from the ground; My hand can't reach it; You have risen so high; Oh, silver; I can't reach it; Your flowers are open to us; No other flowers can bloom; Such strong and pure white petals; No other flower can get such rare silver. Then silver is separated; Oh, white pear; You are a bunch of flowers; Blooming in the branches; Use your purple heart;
3 "Father and Grass" Father said that grass cannot be removed. He has been weeding in the fields all his life? After his death, grass grew on his grave again.