The peaks are like gathering, the waves are like anger, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road. Looking at the western capital, I hesitated. Sad Qin and Han dynasties, ten thousand palaces have been made of earth. Xing, the people suffer; Death makes people suffer.
Huashan peaks gather in Tongguan from all directions, and the Yellow River is choppy. The Tongguan Ancient Road connects Huashan Mountain in Guankou with the Yellow River outside Guankou. Looking at West Chang 'an, I felt uneasy and deeply touched. Sadly, after the ruins of the palaces in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the palaces in the former Qin Dynasty and Hanwu have disappeared, leaving only the depressions in front of them. It is the common people who suffer when the country rises. When the country is ruined, it is the people who suffer.
Poetry appreciation
Mountain Sheep is the title of Xiao Ling's song. This song was written by the author on his way to Taiwan from Shaanxi. "Tongguan", whose real name is Guan, is located in Tongguan County in the east of Shaanxi Province, at the junction of Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan provinces. Huashan Mountain is inside, the Yellow River is outside, Chang 'an in the west and Luoyang in the east, which is the gateway to the ancient capital Chang 'an.
Its terrain is dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is a battleground for military strategists in past dynasties, which often touches the homesickness of people in past dynasties. "Nostalgia" refers to visiting historical sites and arousing emotions. This poem reveals profoundly that in feudal society, no matter how dynasties changed, it only brought profound disasters to the working people by hanging Tongguan monuments, recalling history and expounding arguments. This expresses the author's sympathy for the miserable life of the working people and the lashing of the feudal rulers regardless of people's lives and deaths.