Selfless altruism is the best practice of becoming a gentleman.

Confucius said in The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan: "The beauty of a gentleman as an adult is not the evil of an adult. The villain is the opposite. "

The direct translation is: a gentleman always starts from his own goodwill, is conducive to the wishes of others, wholeheartedly urges others to realize their good wishes and legitimate demands, and will not look at the world coldly. Will not add fuel to the fire when others have failures, mistakes or pains. The villain is the opposite.

In real life, personally, it is difficult to reach the realm of such a gentleman. In human psychology, we always want to compare with others. Even if we are good friends, we hope that I am better than others, so we may not always act like gentlemen, but we can't be real villains. For example, when we see a good friend doing bad things, we want to support and encourage him and give him a push. This is the sin of adults.

Speaking of which, I admire my investment partner very much. She acts like a gentleman. She always uses her own strength to shine for others. With her, many people can always get a lot of wisdom, just like the energy mobile charging treasure. I didn't quite understand this practice before. We studied together, grew up together, and paid a lot of price. You can also pay, just charge the threshold fee. But she wouldn't do that. As long as others are confused and ask her for advice, she can always give selflessly. Without me, she naturally gets a lot of goodwill. For example, if she has a plan, she will get the support of a group of people and get paid for what she wants to do. This is the embodiment of the value brought by altruism and the behavior of cultivating gentlemen. Although it is said that no one is perfect and can't always be a gentleman, compared with the average person, she won a lot.

Reading of the analects of confucius, that is, the process in which we constantly modify our behavior. For example, when we see a gentleman and a villain, we will instinctively think that the gentleman refers to me and the villain refers to others, so there is no gain. If you want to substitute yourself for the villain, you can find out the shortcomings of your villain, pay attention to correction, and use selfless altruism to increase your gentleman's composition. This is the way of self-cultivation and a shortcut to improve self-cultivation!