After the emperor, the trees are beautiful and the oranges are attractive. I was ordered not to move. I was born in the south. Deep-rooted and difficult to migrate, more determined. The green leaves are brilliant and gratifying. Once the branch is pricked, the round fruit will be embarrassed. Green and yellow are mixed, and the article is rotten. Fine color and white inside, arbitrary class. Disputes need to be repaired, but they are not ugly. Well, you have different ambitions. Wouldn't it be nice not to move independently? Deep and difficult to move, nothing to ask for. Su Shi is independent, horizontal but not flowing. If you are closed to the outside world and cautious, you will not lose your heart. Bingde is selfless and lofty. I wish you a happy new year and long-lasting friendship. Comfort and prostitution are inseparable, which makes sense. Although you are young, you are a teacher. The lines are better than Bo Yi, like Xi.
Grass (Bai Juyi)
Leave the garden to eat grass.
It withers and grows once a year.
Wildfire can't put it out.
Spring breeze brings it back to life.
Weeds are overgrown in the distance, and the ancient road spreads out.
Sunny green connects the dry towns.
Farewell to our son who is a wanderer again.
Sad, sad parting exuberant
Pinus jiandi (Bai Juyi)
There are pine trees 100 feet big and 10 yards around. They were born at the bottom of the cave, cold and crude.
The mountains and rivers are sinister, and the dangers are endless.
Tian Zi Tang Ming owes Liang Mu, and there are two things I don't know.
Who is the metaphor for creating heaven, but it is not related to lack of materials.
The story of Jin Zhang Xian Xian, Niu Yi cold and cheap lost Xin Gui.
Although the stories of Di Xin and Niu Yi are different,
The highest is not necessarily wise, and the lower is not necessarily stupid.
Don't you see that corals are born under the heavy seabed and elms are planted in the sky!
Yang Liuzhi Ci (Bai Juyi)
A tree has thousands of branches in the spring breeze, as soft as gold and as soft as silk.
Always in the west corner of Fengfang, never a day, whose willow is this?