He led Zhang to the shore of the lake, untied the rope first and left. When you see people on the boat from a distance, you always look back. Sitting in sorrow at the end of the year, the flowers fall on the green porch tree. Spring dreams rise and fall with my heart. There is a seat for the host "xianggong" on the Yueyang Tower, with Yueyang Tower in the south and Chang 'an Road in the north. Trees in Qian Shan are like grass, but not in Shengpingli. When the flesh and blood are in southern Chu, they often worry early. White society is empty, autumn grass will sweep. I often hear poets say that learning Chinese characters should not be old. Lai Zhidan also visited Pengdao when Yuan Jun came. To send a friend to Yangshuo, Guilin, thousands of laurel trees need to be made, but the film opened on the same day. I harvested the seeds in the middle of the month and moved to my hometown to plant them for you. Send friends to the fortress, send children to the youth tournament. Autumn in Wan Li is vast, as can be seen in Yuanye. Birds don't catch a cold, mountains and rivers are opposite. A horse without Huang Yun is still there. The wind suddenly started and it was dark. How to hate the long road and come out of the world? I dreamed of two poems by Li Bai: where will you go whimpered and where will you go repeated. You didn't bring me any signs of exile in the poisonous humidity of the southern river. Until you appeared in my dream last night, because I have been thinking about you. I doubt it's really you, venturing a long way. You came to me through the green forest, and you disappeared in front of a dark castle. However, how can you raise your wings and use them from the middle net of your net? . I woke up, and the low moon flashed on the rafters, as if it were your face, still floating in the air. There is water to pass through. They are wild. If you fall, there will be dragons and monsters in the river! Clouds are floating in the sky, but old friends have gone for a long time. I see you in my dreams every night, and you know what you mean to me. The difference is that you always look in a hurry and always talk about how easy it is to meet. There are many dangerous waves on the rivers and lakes, and I am worried that your ship will capsize and sink. When he went out, he scratched his head with white hair and regretted that he had failed his life. Gao Che Li Fu is the capital, and you are brilliant, and you are haggard. Who can say that the principle of justice is not Qiren in old age, but innocent bondage? Even if there is a good name handed down from generation to generation, it is difficult to make up for the sad loss. A cold wind blows from the distant sky to Li Bai at the end of the sky. What are you thinking, old friend? . The geese never answered me, and the rivers, lakes and seas were flooded by rain. A poet should be careful to prosper, but the devil can trouble a vagrant. It should be * * * ghosts, sending poems to mumble. Li Bai, a gift for Wang Lun, was about to go by boat when he heard a song on the shore. Even if the Peach Blossom Pond is deep, it is not as deep as Wang Lun's sending away my love. Master, I salute you from the bottom of my heart. A letter to Meng Haoran, your reputation rose to the sky. In the rosy youth, you gave up the importance of hats and chariots and chose pine trees and clouds; Now whitehead. Drunk moon, sage of dreams, bewitched by flowers, you turned a deaf ear to the emperor. Gaoshan, how I long to reach you, that's all. Farewell to friends, the night frost in the water town, the cold moonlight and the gray mountains. Who says a thousand miles from today, just one dream?
I have found so many ancient poems, and I will continue to read modern poems.