2. Original singer: Anita Leitola (lead singer of Finnish singing group Loituma)
3. Singing source: Scandinavian folk songs-Van Polkka (Lewan Polka)
& lt& lt Ivan Polka & gt& gt This is a Polka dance from Finland and a Scandinavian local folk song. It was composed by Eino Kettunen in the1930s with the traditional Polka tunes of Eastern Europe. 1995 was sung by Acabella 1 group Loituma, and the first word "I" of this song was changed to "L" in the popular version, which not only symbolizes similarity, but also symbolizes another nickname of this song "Polkka of Loituma". Among them, Ievan is English Eva(Ieva, Eeva) in Finnish. The main version circulating in the market is about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Many people on the internet call it "the song of throwing onions"
4. Why is it called the source of the onion song? An anonymous person combined the onion-turning scene in the comic book Death with Finnish folk songs sung by Leutuma to produce The Flash, which was very popular.
This became "Dolly's Baby's Onion Song" and Holly Dolly's "Dolly's Song"
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