The eaves of the house are like cliffs, and the wind chimes are like the sea. When Yan returns, there will be an accident. You walk away quietly. The story can't be separated from the fog outside the city, and the dialogue can't be seen clearly. You can't hear the wind. I woke up from my dream and opened the window sill. The future as thin as a cicada can't stand who will tear me down and send you thousands of miles away. You are silent, black and white are silent, and the years of love may not be too far away. I will send you away from the horizon. Life and death are hard to guess. I have to wait for the tears in the forest to find the pear flower. I have to go to the forest to find pears. My temples are gray. I have to go to the forest to find pears. I must wait for you. You are white, transparent and dusty. Your flawless love is poetic and comes from the sadness in the rain. I'm wet. Now I am still on the surface of the lotus, and you are still not covered by years. You said that flowers have become empty dreams. Who opened the ending on the windowsill? The future is as thin as cicada's wings. Who will tear you down and send you thousands of miles away? You may not fall in love too far away. I will send you away from the end of the world. It's hard to guess whether you are still playing the piano. It will take a lifetime.