The trial will begin on Wednesday. Ask the lawyer what to say about the statement.

Father: I am a sinner. I have committed many crimes, offended you and made your righteous anger. This is hopeless and worthy of death, so that you will be righteous when you judge me and upright when you judge me. Now, in your light, I realize my sin. I come to you with a sad and regretful heart and confess my sin, because a truly repentant heart will not be despised by God. I wholeheartedly believe that the Lord Jesus laid down his life on the cross for me, and I wholeheartedly believe that all my sins were washed away by his blood. Lord Jesus, I open my heart now and believe and accept that you are my savior. Thank you for your great love and give me eternal life. Lord! For your own sake, please guide me to the path of justice. Pray in the name of Jesus. amen