English titles of all Shakespeare's works


Catalog of all Shakespeare's works that have been discovered so far: (The Chinese translations of Shakespeare's plays are from the most widely circulated translation by Zhu Shenghao;)



o Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet)

o Macbeth (Macbeth) also translated: Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth

o King Lear (King Lear)

o Hamlet (Hamlet) also translated as: Hamlet, Hamlet, Hamre

o Othello (Othello) also translated as: Othello

o Titus Andronicus (Titus Andronicus)

o Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar) )

o Antony and Cleopatra

o Coriolanus

o Troy Troilus and Cressida

o Timon of Athens



o Wrong The edy of Errors also translated as: Comedy of Errors, Comedy of Errors

o All's Well That Ends Well (Also translated as: All's Well That Ends Well) o Everyone is happy ( As You Like It)

o A Midsummer Night's Dream (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

o Much Ado About Nothing (also translated as: Catching wind and shadows)

o Measure for Measure (Measure for Measure) also translated as: Please enter the urn, measure your sins, and compare your feelings

o The Tempest (The Tempest)

o Taming of the Shrew (Taming of the Shrew)

o Twelfth Night or What You Will

o The Merchant of Venice

o The Merry Wives of Windsor ( The Merry Wives of Windsor)

o Love's Labour's Lost

o The Two Gentlemen of Verona (The Two Gentlemen of Verona) also translated as: Two Noble Kins


o Pericles Prince of Tire

o Cymbeline

o The Winter's Tale

o The Tempest

Historical drama


o Henry IV, part 1

o Henry IV, part 2 (Henry IV, part 2)

o Henry V (Henry V)

o Henry VI, part 2 (Henry VI, part 1)

o Henry VI, part 2 (Henry VI, part 2)

o Henry VI, part 3 )

o Henry VIII

o King John

o Richard II

o Richard III



o The Sons

o A Lover's plaint, also translated as: Lover's complaint

o The Rape of Lucrece, also translated as: The Rape of Lucrece< /p>

o Venus and Adonis (Venus and Adonis)

o The Passionate Pilgrim (The Passionate Pilgrim) also translated as: *** The Wanderer

o The Phoenix and the Turtle

Other works suspected of being by Shakespeare


o Sir Thomas More )

o Edward III

o Funeral Elegy