[Bilingual Fast Reading] Cain and his brother Abel -e 1.4

Cain and his brother Abel

Cain and his brother Abel

The word Cain[ Cain] n. Cain (son of Adam); Murderer; Brother killer

Proper noun Abel[eib? L] n. Abel (the second son of Adam and Eve); Abel (male name)

Adam named his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living beings.

Adam named his wife Eve because she is the mother of all things.

Proper noun Adam ['? d? In the tradition of Bible and Koran, Adam (the name of the first human being)

The proper noun Eve [i? Eve (the first woman in the Bible)

The word biology

She has two sons, Cain and Abel.

She has two sons, Cain and Abel.

Abel was a shepherd but Cain was a farmer.

Abel was a shepherd but Cain was a farmer.

The word shepherd? ep? Shepard; Pastor; teacher

The word peasant noun? 【‘fɑ? m? ] farmer; Farmers; farmer

One day, Cain brought some fruits and grains he planted himself to the Lord.

One day, Cain offered his fruits and grains to God.

The prototype of the word bringing: the past tense of the verb bringing? Bring; Urged; Reason; give rise to

Dedication ['? f? Sacrifice; Dedication; Sacrificial ceremony

The word fruit noun? 【fru? T] fruit; Results; Fruitful

Word grain noun? [ɡre? Grain; Grain; Traces; granule

The word grow prototype: the past participle of the grow verb? [ω r] v. increase; Growth; Become; Planting; Start gradually

Proper noun Yahweh? [Bible] Jehovah (referring to God)

Abel also brought the best animals from his flock and offered their fat to the Lord.

Abel also brought some of the best animals from his herd and offered the best of them to the Lord.

Vocabulary of (sth) sth.

Flock noun? 【fl? K] a group; Conformity; Many; The masses; sheep flock

The word sacred prototype: past participle of sacred verb? [? kr? Law? Sacrifice; Sacrifice; Sell at a loss; sacrifice

The word fat adjective? 【f? T] obesity; Fat; plump

Lexical prototype: plural form of lexical nouns? 【pi? S] pieces; Articles; Movies; Shielding; Works; fragment

The Lord likes Abel and his offering, but he doesn't like Cain and his offering.

The Lord was satisfied with Abel and his offering, but not Cain and his offering.

Please prototype: please [pli? Z] v. make happy; Satisfied; Willing; Try to please

Is the verb please in the simple present tense (except the third person singular)? 【pli? Z] v. make happy; Satisfied; Willing; Try to please

This made Cain very angry, and his face showed it.

This made Cain very angry and showed it on his face.

The word angry adjective? ['ri] angry; angry

The Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry and glaring?

Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry and frown?

The word frowning verb is generally the present tense (except the third person singular) [ska? L] v. frown; (The sky) became gloomy.

If you are upright and good, will your offering not be acceptable?

If what you do is right and good, won't your dedication be accepted?

Word acceptance prototype: accept adjectives? [? Separate, separate. Accept; Agree; Take on (responsibility, etc.). ) accept

But if you do something wrong, sin will crouch at the door like a beast, and the desire to commit crime will overcome you; But you should master it. "

But if you do something wrong, sin is like a beast at the door, and the desire to commit crime will conquer you; But you should control it. "

An adjective with the wrong word? By mistake; By mistake; Bad things; Crime; Deception; Mistakes; injustice

The word sin? original sin

The word crouching prototype: crouching [kra? t? ] 5. Get down; kneel

The word wild adverb? 【wa? Ld] adj Wild; Savage; Undeveloped; crazy

The word beast noun? [Bi? Holy] beast; domestic animal

The word noun of desire? 【d? Desire; Desire =

The prototype of the word come verb? [? v? k? [m]vt。 Overcome; Overcome; Make it unbearable; Overwhelming (feelings, etc.) ) 6. Win; win

The word master? st? ] control; grasp

Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go to the fields." While they were in the field, Cain beat his brother Abel and killed him.

Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go to the fields." While they were in the field, Cain suddenly attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Grammar while is generally used to guide adverbial clauses, indicating that a stands for time, "when …"; At the same time "; B. expressing concessions, "although, although"; C. means turning point, "however, but" Adverbial clauses guided by while usually use the simple present tense to indicate future actions or states. ; I kept the house tidy while he was away. I cleaned the house clean while he was away.

Grammar makes someone. /something. Do sth. Let sb (sth) do sth. Example: Don't let your temper get out of hand. Control yourself and don't lose your temper.

The word domain noun? [Philippines? Ld] field; Field; Sports ground; Site; Field (plural); Field; Domain; field

The word strike prototype: strike verb past tense? 【stra? k]v . hit; rush

Prototype of the word kill: past tense of the kill verb? 【k? L] sue for murder; Termination; eliminate

When the Lord said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" Cain replied, "I don't know; Am I my brother's keeper? " The Lord said, "What have you done?

When God said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" Cain replied, "I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper? " The Lord said, "What have you done?

Word guardian noun? 【‘ki? p? ] caretaker; Breeder; manager

Listen! Your brother's blood is crying to me in the ground.

Listen to the translation! Your brother's blood cried out to me from the ground.

The word hark [hɑ? k]v . & lt; Text > listen; Memories; Put forward again

The word blood? 【bl? D] blood; Descent; hostility

Word crying prototype: is the crying verb in the present continuous tense or gerund? 【kra? ] 5. Cry; Shout (loudly); Demand (strong)

The word ground [?ra? Ground; place

Even now, you are condemned by the land that received your brother's blood from you.

Even now, you have been condemned by the earth, and the earth has accepted your brother's blood from you.

Word condensed prototype: condensed verb past tense? 【k? Same as [in] a. Condemn; sentence

The word very? Exactly, exactly; Even; Full; trait

Is the word receive verb the simple present tense (except the third person singular)? 【r? Is it? [v] v. Roger that; Received; receive

Whenever you cultivate the land, it will no longer yield to your strength; You will be a wanderer and a wanderer on the earth. "

Whenever you cultivate the land, it will no longer yield to your strength; You should be a tramp, a tramp on the ground. "

When never prototype word: when never interrogative adverb? [text' ev? Whenever, whenever; Whenever; at any time

The word till [t? L] cultivation

Word output [Ji? Ld] v. production; Profit; Output; bend down

The word strength noun? 【stre? Strength; Strength; Strength; strong point

The word tramp [tr? Mp] on foot; step on

The word vagrant noun? 【‘w? nd? r? [English extensive reading materials]

Cain said to the Lord, "My punishment is too heavy for me.

Cain said to the Lord, my punishment is too heavy for me to bear.

The phrase is more than ... (more), for example, more than two employees are involved in this matter. This matter involves more than two employees.

The word punishment noun? 【‘p? nm? punish

The word bear verb prototype? [Yes? ] 5. forbearance; load

Look, you kicked me out of this land today, and I can't worship you anymore;

Listen, if you kick me out of this place today, I can't worship you anymore;

You this pronoun? [? Answer? ] pron。 [ancient] you; Uh; you

The word hast is the singular present tense of the second person of the have verb in old English, and it is usually used with thou (the singular form of the second person "you" in old English). Example: Let her be the person you specify. I know you are very kind to my master.

The prototype of the word drive: the past participle of the drive verb? 【dra? Drive; Drive away; force

The word adverb today? ['t? Dey ] Today

Is the word worry verb in the present tense (except the third person singular)? [example] 6. Worship; worship

Pronouns of the word they? [? Me? Pronoun [archaic] you; You; Your own example: I may not know them very well. I may not recognize you in the future.

I will be a vagrant and vagrant on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. "

I will be a vagrant, a vagrant on the earth, and anyone who meets me will kill me. "

Any interrogative pronoun [Hu? ev? ] pron。 No matter who it is; No matter who it is; Anyone/anyone

And the Lord said to him, If anyone kills you, he will be punished sevenfold.

And the Lord said to him, If a man kills you, he will be punished seven times.

Word kills prototype: plural form of kill noun? 【k? L] sue for murder; Termination; Eliminate; To make painful; Kill; Exhausted; Kill; kill

Punished prototype: past participle of punishment verb? 【‘p? Punishment; Be rude to vi punish

The word sevenfold.

So the Lord made a sign for Cain to prevent anyone who found him from killing him.

So God made a sign for Cain so that anyone who found him would not kill him.

Mark [mɑ? K] mark; Traces; Scores; trademark

So Cain wandered away from the presence of the Lord, far from Eden.

Cain left the LORD and the Garden of Eden and lived a vagrant life.

The word noun present? Attendance ['attendance] n. Existence; Be present; Survival degree

Eden [me? Eden; amusement park