How many people have multiple diseases, and how should we pray?

Because of the love and mercy of the Lord, we can be healed, because the Lord will never abandon people. Although the Lord makes people sad, he will show mercy according to all his lovingkindness. Because he doesn't want to make people miserable. (Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:3 1-33) Jesus traveled all over the cities and villages, teaching people in the synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and curing various diseases. When he saw many people, he had pity on them, because they were afflicted and wandering like sheep without a shepherd. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his goodness. He forgives all your sins and cures all your diseases. He saved your life from death and crowned you with kindness and compassion. He satisfies your desires with beautiful things and makes you as youthful as an eagle. (Ps。 103:2-5) Thanks to the authority and power of the Lord, we can be healed, because everything is made by him, whether it is in the sky or on the earth, tangible or intangible ... everything is made by him and for him. He was in front of everything, and everything stood by him. Lord GOD, you have created heaven and earth with your great power and outstretched arm, and nothing is impossible to you. Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (Matt. 18) The Lord gives healing power to those who believe in him. Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them the power to cast out demons and cure diseases. (Matt. 10:1) "... people who believe will be accompanied by miracles ... put their hands on the patient and the patient will recover. When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken to heaven and sat at the right hand of God. The disciples went out and preached the gospel everywhere, and the Lord cooperated with them to confirm the preached word with signs and wonders. Amen. (Mk. 6: 5438+06: 17-20) We can be healed because of the punishment of the Lord's suffering. He certainly suffered our worries and pains, but we think he was punished and hit by God. He knows that he suffers for our transgressions and is crushed for our sins; Because of his punishment, we have peace; Because of his stripes, we are cured. We are all lost like sheep, and each of us goes his own way; The Lord put all our sins on him. He hanged himself on a tree and bore our sins, so that since we died in sin, we could live in righteousness; Because of his stripes, you were cured. The LORD heals those who renounce sin and repent, and those who keep his commandments say, "If you pay attention to the word of the LORD your God, do what is right in my eyes, pay attention to my commandments, and keep all my statutes, I will not impose on you the diseases I have inflicted on the Egyptians, for I, the LORD, will heal you. 」。 (Exodus 15:26) Because of his … sins, I was angry and struck him; I hid my face from him and was angry, but he still resisted. I have seen his way, and I will heal him, guide him, and comfort him and those who are sad together. Come on, let's turn to the Lord; He has torn us and will heal us; He hurt us and bound us. Two days later, he will wake us up; On the third day, he will revive us, and we will live before him. We must know the Lord and try to know him; His appearance is like the morning light, and he will come to us like rain, like the spring rain that moistens the fields. (1-3) The Lord heals those who sincerely and urgently call on him. O Lord my God, I cried to you, and you healed me. So they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their trouble. He sent someone to heal them and save them from death. (Ps。 107: 19-20) because he didn't despise and hate the suffering people, nor did he hide his face from him. He listened when the suffering people cried. Hezekiah was very ill at that time. Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, went to Amoz and said to him, "Thus says the Lord,' Leave a decree to your house, for you will surely die and not live. Then Hezekiah turned to the wall and prayed to the Lord, saying, Lord, please remember how I walked in truth with a perfect heart before you and did what was good in your eyes. Hezekiah wept bitterly. Before Isaiah came out, the word of the LORD came to him and said, "Go back and tell Hezekiah, king of my people, saying,' Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David, I heard your prayer and saw your tears. I will heal you, and on the third day you will go up to the house of the Lord. The Lord promised to give me peace and strength when I was suffering. My body, mind and intestines were weak, but God is the strength in my heart and my eternal blessing.

Stage 1: Prayer is a burden.

It is easy to sit and listen to the sermon for an hour, praise for two hours, and read the Bible quietly at home for a day, but it is difficult to pray for an hour. The priest wants to tell a believer that she is willing to be a mentally healthy person, but she is afraid of the madness when praying. Prayer needs to be hot, so don't worry too much, you need to devote yourself wholeheartedly. Don't limit God's work. Everyone needs this experience and needs the impact of the holy spirit from outside. Faith is real life, not theory.

Like a priest's son, taking him to church every Sunday is like leading a wild horse. The priest is tired, God is suffering, and so are the children. Children especially need the capture and guidance of external forces.

Don't people want to experience the fullness of the holy spirit? If you like, you should obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, completely release your trust, and don't care what others think of me. Some believers have strong willpower and should be completely entrusted. The Holy Spirit has been working on you, and the gift of dialect has been on you, only limited by your own will. The Holy Spirit transcends our reason and science. If we fully understand the mystery of God with our reason, God is not God.

At the beginning of prayer, prayer became our burden. Whether we believe in the Lord for ten, twenty or thirty years, prayer is a burden, a burden, because prayer itself is a kind of labor. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is an external force that grasps and controls us. Speaking of being controlled by the Holy Spirit, prayer is particularly interesting.

The second stage: the experience stage

People who have experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit will say: Do you have a topic for prayer? I want to pray for you. Prayer is very powerful, praying while driving, praying while reading, praying while sitting and dreaming. The priest is often awakened by the prayer in Jenny's dream. We should experience the power of the Holy Spirit. This experience does not come from ourselves, but from the outside world. The Holy Spirit descended like a flame, blew like the wind, and worked on us. In the process of grazing, the priest found that the experience of prayer was related to everyone's personality. Quiet, introverted people are unwilling to pray loudly, feel uncomfortable, and feel uncomfortable listening to others praying loudly, and they refuse in their hearts. Do they have to pray loudly? Have this idea. Such people have the blessing of dialects and also pray in a low voice. We should go beyond our own character. When the Holy Spirit comes to us, we should be completely burned.

Dialect is also a language. After staying in Shanghai for a long time, the accent will also have a Shanghai accent. After coming to Beijing for a period of time, my accent has become like a Beijinger. The dialect of church believers is very similar to that of the chief pastor, so many people will wonder if they learned their dialect from the pastor. That's not true. Languages can be learned, and so on.

Prayer is not only related to personality, but also knowledge has an influence on prayer practice. Personal knowledge of the Holy Spirit and prayer will also have an impact on prayer.

We need to understand, what is the purpose of our prayers? For a closer relationship with God, Hallelujah! When you pray in a dialect, but you don't understand what it means, you will be distracted and have distractions; When you pray with understanding, there will be things about your children and your husband ... at this time, you should concentrate your prayers with willpower. When the priest is distracted in prayer, he will draw a cross in his mind. If it doesn't work, he will stop.

When many people pray, the water of the Holy Spirit is just right on the ankle, which is too shallow. The water of the holy spirit should reach the waist and become a river completely. Concentrate on prayer with willpower, and repent when there are distractions: God, I am willing to concentrate on your cross and your throne, and I am willing to concentrate on deep prayer completely.

Pastors have seen such people, and they are filled with the Holy Spirit. When he prayed, many patients were cured. He lives in the northeast, and patients in Urumqi can't go to the northeast. He prayed for a cure for the patient on the phone. The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond our imagination, but these phenomena are not all. External power is not the whole of the holy spirit. For example, the illness of the body is cured, which is not all. His heart and spirit will be reborn, and his ideas and values will change. It's like being cured, living habits have not changed, and the disease will recur.

Some people think that if something goes wrong with the church and he leaves, he will be completely satisfied if he goes to another church. Will it be okay? The same problem will happen because his spirit and heart have not changed.

When the Holy Spirit is full, diseases can be cured immediately by the power of the Holy Spirit, but it takes a long time to change the mind. Through God's Word, our ideas and values must be changed.

The third stage of prayer: the stage of truth

When we first started praying, we all did it for our own needs. For example, Lord, I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to meet my own needs. Lord, I am sick, please heal me; Lord, I'm worried. Please take it away. This is a prayer for your own needs.

When prayer reaches the stage of truth, it is to pray for God. Do you believe that God is willing to change our China? When will God's will come true? Through our prayers. Does God want all our families to be saved? This is not what we want, it is God's will. When we understand God's will and pray, God completes it through our prayers. This is called cooperation with God.

But more than 90% of Christians pray for their own needs. Excuse me, is it our wish or God's will that our church can be filled with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit? This is God's will. China has become a missionary country, a country full of myths, and churches in China can be revived. Is it God's will or our wish that more souls turn to God? This is God's will!

A sister asked, pastor, I really want my husband to come to his senses as soon as possible. The priest asked, why do you want your husband to believe in the Lord? My sister replied that my husband believes in the Lord and my heart will be safe every day. Just like heaven, my family will be happier. How wonderful it is to be able to hold her husband's hand and go to church to praise God! Of course, you can pray like this, but her motivation is still for herself. We should understand that God wants our husbands to turn to God, which is God's will. Put God's will in our hearts, let's pray for God's wish and let God realize it. This is working with God.

But we don't pray, so our husbands have been persecuting us. Without persecution, we will feel at ease, let alone pray. Only when we are persecuted will we call on the Lord. So from God's point of view, we must suffer to become God's co-workers.

Just like Hannah, God needs Samuel. First of all, Hannah needs to pray for Samuel's birth, but Hannah doesn't pray because her husband's love is enough and her heart is satisfied. Because Pinina excited her, she had to pray: Pinina said you wouldn't have children or women, right? You are cursed by God, so you can't have children. Such persecution made Hannah very excited and made her pray urgently. The priest will be your Pena.

God looks for people who can be his co-workers. Our home is not ours, but God's. God is willing to bless the family he has built, so he first puts such a wish in our hearts and realizes it through prayer. But our bodies are instinctive, and we don't pray when our families are safe. God has to allow family conflicts and problems to exist. So is the church. The revival of the church and the fullness of God's word are God's will, and God has put such a will in us. When does the priest pray? When you look at yourself, when you are safe, you only have a mouthful; However, when there are problems and hardships, such as church buildings, the South Hall has only one room, which costs 3,000 yuan, but our sisters are retired and old, and the pastor has a burden in his heart. At this time, the priest is more eager to pray. Why does God allow such pain and persecution? Because God needs people to work with him and pray for his country. Pastors often say that prayer is like laying a railroad track.

The fourth stage of prayer: the stage of life

At this stage, people's hearts are completely filled with God's mind, and God's mind becomes his mind. Hallelujah! In fact, Jesus before the cross also had two hearts, one was his own heart and the other was God's will. God means that Jesus wants to drink the cup on the cross, but Jesus' body is unwilling and afraid, so he confessed: God, if you allow, please take this cup away. If the cup of the cross is removed, can we still be saved? I can't. How did Jesus overcome it? In Gethsemane Garden, the sweat of Jesus dripped on the ground like blood and prayed. Jesus won by praying so eagerly. What about us? Prayer is training. Keep training. In order to practice everyone, priests should be more strict, such as chanting. (Recite this week's exam texts: Acts 1:8, Acts 2:2-4, Acts 3:6, Ke 16: 17- 18, about 14:/kloc-.

As we said just now, knowledge will affect our prayers. In order to be filled with the Holy Spirit and practice prayer, we should understand the description of prayer and the Holy Spirit in the Bible.