The Origin of Characters in Caleb's Works

Moses led the Hebrews to escape from slavery in Egypt and came to the border of Canaan, which God promised them. Moses sent 12 detective (meraglim in Hebrew) into Canaan and came back to report the situation there. Each detective represents one of the 12 tribes. Among them, the detective 10 came back and reported that it was impossible to get the land, and the giant living there would crush the Hebrew army. Only two people-Joshua (the tribe of Ephraim) and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh (representing the tribe of Judah, a Gini [1]) came back and said that the Lord would give Canaan into the hands of the Hebrews.

According to the Bible, the Hebrews chose not to enter Canaan because of the statement of 65,438+00 detectives. Against God's will, they drifted in the wilderness for 40 years. Among the adult Hebrews, only Joshua and Caleb lived to enter Canaan after 40 years. According to Numbers 13 and 14, Moses sent twelve spies to the land of Canaan to inquire about the local situation and prepare for future attacks. Therefore, ten of them were discouraged and told the bad news to Moses and all the congregation of Israel. Only Caleb and Joshua said confidently, "I'll go up and get the land at once!" " We can win. ”(Min。 13: 30) "The place we spied was very beautiful. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us into that land and give it to us, because it flows with milk and honey. Do not rebel against the Lord, nor be afraid of the inhabitants of the land, for they are our food, and their dwelling place has left them. God is with us. Don't be afraid of them. " (Min。 14 7-9)

Finally, these rebellious and grumbling Israelites were punished by the Lord God. They had to wander in the wilderness for forty years, and they had to die in the wilderness. Only Caleb, Joshua and the next generation can go in and get the promised land that God wants to give them. Numbers 14: 20-25 According to records, when the Lord God responded to Moses' prayer for Israel, he said, "Only my servant Caleb, because he has other intentions and follows me wholeheartedly, I will lead him into the land where he has been, and his descendants will possess it." (Minutes. 14, 24)

Forty years later, under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites finally crossed the Jordan River and entered the promised land-Canaan. According to today's Bible, after Joshua led the Israelites to fight in the land of Canaan for several years and gradually occupied the land of Canaan, Caleb came to Joshua and asked him for the inheritance promised by the Lord God. Caleb said, "On that day Moses swore,' The land on which your feet tread will be yours and your children's forever, because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. Since the Lord said this to Moses, the Lord has kept me alive for forty-five years as he promised. At the same time, the Israelites walked in the wilderness. Look, I am eighty-five years old now, and I am still as strong as the day when Moses sent me. Whether fighting or going in and out, my strength was then and now. Please give me the mountain that God promised me that day. You've heard that there are Anakims and strong cities there. Perhaps the Lord will be with me as he promised, and I will drive them out. "(Volume 9-14).