? This has to start with the history of China. After the people of China defeated Chiyou together, Yao, Shun and Yu became kings respectively. Because the monarch selection at that time was a abdication system, and the abdication system, as its name implies, was that the first generation of kings and ministers discussed who was more talented and who was suitable to be the next generation of kings. It can be seen that the ministers at this time are all high-ranking officials. After all, they can discuss the next big thing with the king, and these ministers also have the right to choose and decide.
? It can be seen that in this slave society of Yao, Shun and Yu, ministers certainly did not bow down to the king in the court.
? Time continued to go backwards until the Seven Kingdoms period, when the countries were Qin, Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan and Qi. These countries are all transformed from slavery society, so the status of courtiers should not be too low, and the power of kings is not very strong. However, after Shang Yang's political reform in Qin, things began to take a turn for the better. Shang Yang's political reform clearly stipulated the system of centralized monarchy and meritorious military service. However, because Shang Yang's political reform damaged the rights of the old nobles, Shang Yang was suppressed by these nobles, and the emperor of Qin supported Shang Yang very much, so the nobles didn't respect the king, so they didn't bow down. However, with the strong national strength of Qin, Qin swept the six countries, and some ministers from other countries also appeared in officialdom. The ministers of these other countries were all taken back by the monarch, so they listened to the monarch very much. In addition, the Qin Dynasty swept Liuhe, which led to the strengthening of Qin Jun, the military power was in the hands of the king, and gradually formed a centralized monarchy.
? At this time, the minister had no dignity before the monarch, so he had to bow before the monarch. Therefore, ministers should bow down as early as the Qin Dynasty.