The meaning of a gentleman is benevolence, and its meaning is ceremony: the benevolent loves others, and the courtesy respects others. Those who love others will always love others, and those who respect others will always respect others. ? -Mencius: Mencius Li Lou?
Courtesy is reciprocated. It is indecent not to come; It is also impolite to come and not go. ? -The Book of Rites. On Quli
The overlord takes the two rivers alone, and the descendants drop hundreds of cities. What about happiness and security after the success of luxury? -Wang Anshi
If you are extravagant, you will have more desires. If a gentleman desires more, he will yearn for wealth, and will soon waste his own way and get into trouble. -Sima Guang
Who warmly welcomes guests, as close as brothers; Evil spirits welcome people and harm soldiers. -Guan Zhong
There are brave people in the world who are not surprised, embellished or angry when they suddenly come. -Su Shi
If you don't learn manners, you can't stand it -Confucius
The reason why mortals are more expensive than animals is out of courtesy.
Do not act on small evils, and do not act on small good.
Only virtue and virtue can serve others. -Liu Bei
Don't disrespect the position, but don't disrespect the virtue; Don't be ashamed of your lack of cooperation, but be ashamed of your ignorance. -Zhang Heng
Soil can hold up the city wall, and virtue is thick soil. -Li Bai
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Classical poetry, a genre of China's ancient poetry, also known as classical poetry or archaism, refers to a poetic genre that originated before the Tang Dynasty and was opposite to the modern poetry that appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Its characteristic is that the metrical restrictions are not too strict.
Genre scope
As a poetry genre, archaic poetry refers to ancient poetry as opposed to modern poetry, also known as archaic poetry. There are all kinds of poems before the formation of Tang law, as well as poems written in ancient Chinese after Tang dynasty. With the Tang Dynasty as the boundary, the pre-Tang poems from the Book of Songs to the Southern and Northern Dynasties are all ancient poems. Since then, classical poetry has gradually declined and disappeared.
Metric characteristics
Ancient poetry (ancient poetry) has a fixed poem and style. Compared with modern poetry, the metrical restrictions of ancient poetry are less. The length can be long or short, and the rhyme is more free and flexible. There are four words, five words, seven words, miscellaneous words and other forms. The ancient poems after the Han and Wei Dynasties are generally dominated by five or seven words, with certain rhyme and inflections.
All ancient poems are classified according to the number of words in the poem. Four-character ancient poems are referred to as four-character ancient poems for short; Five-character ancient poems are referred to as five-character ancient poems for short; Seven-character ancient poems are referred to as seven-character ancient poems for short. Four-character poems were adopted by people as early as the Book of Songs. But it gradually declined in the Tang Dynasty, and few people wrote it.
Five-character ancient poetry is the orthodoxy of ancient poetry, and many people write it. Seven-character ancient poetry is not the mainstream of classical poetry, because it originated late. Therefore, the seven-character ancient style is greatly influenced by the seven-character modern poetry.
Ancient Poetry-Baidu Encyclopedia