Money in a Bottle is a classical Chinese article that tells us not to be greedy. Below I have collected the classical Chinese translations of Money and Goods in Bottles for your reference! There was a beggar in Yangzhou named Hu Meier. He had a bottle and said to others: "If you fill this bottle with money, you will be happy forever!" Onlookers saw that the bottle could only hold half a liter, so someone put ten cents or a hundred cents into the bottle, but the bottle was still not full. People felt strange about this. A rich man passed by and put in a thousand coins, but it was still not full. A curious man led a donkey and said, "Can I put a donkey in?" The beggar nodded, and the donkey then turned into a rope and entered the bottle. Everyone in the market was surprised. At this time, several trucks passed by. After hearing about this, the owner of the trucks joked: "Can my trucks also enter the bottle?" The beggar replied: "Yes." The beggar tilted the mouth of the bottle slightly. On the other side, the truck entered the bottle one by one. The cargo owner was very shocked and wanted to grab the beggar, but the beggar had already secretly hid in the bottle. The owner smashed the bottle and found nothing.
Original text
In the Tang Dynasty, there was a beggar in Yangzhou, named Hu Meier. He had a vase, and he said to people: "If you fill this vase with money, you will be blessed forever!" The observer saw that the vase only held half a liter, so some people gave ten or a hundred coins, but the vase was not full, and people were surprised. . A rich man passed away and gave away thousands of coins, but he was still not satisfied. A man with good intentions led a donkey and said: "Give me a gift." The beggar nodded, and the donkey followed the string and put it into the bottle, which shocked everyone in the city. At that time, a truck was passing by, and the owner of the cargo heard it and said jokingly: "Can you let all the trucks enter the bottle?" He said: "Yes." The beggar tilted his head slightly to the bottle mouth, and the trucks entered the bottle one by one. The owner of the cargo was horrified and wanted to kill the beggar, but the beggar had already sneaked into the bottle. The owner of the goods smashed the caps of the bottles and lost everything.
Those who are greedy for money in this world are bottomless bottles.
1. Wen: hear and hear
2. Nod: nod
3. Give: give alms
< p> 4. But: only5. Therefore: therefore
6. Weird: feel strange
7. Category: like
8. Horrible: afraid
9. Busybody: a person who likes novelty
10. Throw: grab
11. Beggar: beggar
p>12. One: All
People who are greedy for money in the world are like this bottomless bottle. Don't be greedy, greedy people will never be satisfied.