Read the fable "The Road to the North" and rewrite this fable into a modern article. (add a little content as appropriate)
The king wants to attack Handan. Hearing this, Liang Ji immediately turned back. He didn't have time to stretch his clothes and wash the dust off his head. He hurried to visit Wang Wei and said, "I came back today and met a man on Taihang Mountain. He was driving north. He said to me,' I want to go to Chu.' I said,' If you are going to Chu, why are you going north?' He said, "My horse is fine." I said,' the horse is good, but this is not the way to Chu!' He said, "My road fare is very expensive." I said,' Even if the toll is high, this is not the direction to go to Chu.' (He added): "My coachman is very good at driving." The better these samples are, the farther away from Chu! Nowadays, every move of the king wants to establish hegemony and gain prestige in the world. However, relying on Wei's strength and excellent army, he attacked Handan to expand the land and honor his birthright. The more actions the king takes, the farther away he is from his career. Is this different from the man who wanted to go to Chu but went to the north? "