For example, in the eighth chapter of the Odyssey, "We have always loved booze, harp and dance, as well as all kinds of clothes, warm baths, love and beds. King Agino, a brilliant man, was very happy to hear such a good musician sing praises. His voice is the same as that of the gods, and I think there is no greater enjoyment than this; Now, everyone is sitting in the hall, drinking and listening to music in turn. The meals in front of them were all wheat cakes and meat. The waiter poured out the wine and filled the cups in front of everyone. This is the happiest thing. " As can be seen from the poem Odyssey, people's entertainment activities at that time were mostly carried out in banquets and banquets. The ancient Greeks thought that the world was beautiful and life was joyful, which may also be related to the actual living standard at that time.