How to make stickers by hand with leaves?

You can make stickers with white paper and dyes. Because the stickers made of poplar leaves are the most beautiful, here, taking poplar leaves as an example, the specific steps of making handmade stickers for leaves are explained:

Tools needed: a poplar leaf, dyes, white paper and cotton.

1. First, put a piece of white paper on the table.

2. Then dye the cotton and smear it on the poplar leaves.

3. Paint dye on one side of poplar leaves and bring it here.

4. Stick the dyed side of poplar leaves on white paper.

4. Cover with a piece of white paper.

5. Press the poplar leaves flat with your fist, so that the poplar leaves are close to the paper.

6. After pressing, take away the white paper on it.

7. Uncover the leaves of poplar again.

8. In this way, the shape of poplar leaves is really printed on the paper, and a leaf sticker is made.


1, when choosing leaves, try to choose fresh leaves, and yellow leaves will break when pressed.

2. Dyes can choose their favorite colors and make different styles.