Original text:
Song of the Five Sons
Taikang's corpse, in order to escape from Germany, and CoCo Lee's salty, is a luxury trip, is a funeral sign. There was a poor Houyi who was forbearing and far away from the river. Judy's five brothers guarded their mother and worried about Luo Zhi. Wuzi complained bitterly and described the ring of Dayu as a song.
One said, "The emperor's ancestors have instructed the people to get close, but they can't get off. The people are the country and the country is better. With the foolish husband and foolish woman in the world, one person can win and one person loses three times. Resentment is in the Ming dynasty, but it is not a picture. If you give it to Lin, how can you be disrespectful as the owner of the six horses? "
Secondly, he said, "there is training, but there is a lack of color inside and birds outside." Sweet wine likes music, and Yu Jun carves walls. One is here, not dead or not dead. "
Thirdly, he said, "Only Peter Tang Tao has Hebei side. Today, if you lose your way and confuse your discipline, you will perish. "
Fourthly, he said, "Obviously, my ancestor was the king of all nations. There are rules and regulations, which will make the descendants of the Jue. Guan Shi and Jun, but Wang Fu has it. Abandoning and losing is absolutely sacred! "
The fifth one is: "Ho ho, go home?" Give sorrow. What's wanjia's surname? Yu Tao is caring and Yan Hou is coy. Fu Shenjue's virtue, although regret it? "
Song of the Five Sons is the earliest sigh of China's emperor's national subjugation, which embodies China's earliest and most primitive political thought, that is, "the people only care about the country, and the country is better".
People-oriented, not God-oriented, Tang people and Gu Zi also adapted the Song of Five Sons according to allusions.