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After all, Japanese uses Chinese Pinyin to express sincerity.
English only The original moved
CATCH(つか)まる躰(からだ)を residual(のこ)して
ci ka ma lu ka la ta o no ko xi te
Only the captured body is left
Consciousness(いしき)はfree(じゆう)なBettet than hell
i xi ki wa jyu u na bettet than hell< /p>
Consciousness is free Better than hell
hi ci ki o yu ki ni mi o ku li
Watching the coffin away cheerfully
frozen (こご)える breath (といき)でSweet dark wisper
ko go e lo to i ki de sweet dark wisper
With a frozen sigh Sweet dark whisper
quiet silence (せいじゃく)の果(は)て美(うつく)しい 言叶(ことば)で热(こわ)して
se i jya ki no ha te u ci ku xi ko to ba de ko wa xi te
Destroy with beautiful words The End of Silence
bright dazzling (まぶ)しすぎた
bright ma bu xi su gi ta
bright is too dazzling
right pupil(ひとみ)だから
right hi to mi da ka la
right because of the pupils
もう二度(にど)と sin(つみ )を见(み)ないでおくれ
mo u ni do to ci mi o mi na yi de o ku le
Please don’t see the sin again
Pride means abandoning (す)てぬ者(もの)が
pride su te nu mo no ga
Pride means not giving up
ride means giving birth to (い) き(ぬ)くだろう
ride yi ki nu ku da lo u
ride may be able to escape this disaster
No heaven, no heaven
p>Side of you
ha ko li wa ko ko lo o to xi de
Glory expresses the heart
全(すべ)てを Xu(ゆる)そうLike old angel
su be te o yu lu so u like old angel
Forgive all of this Like old angel
蛹(さなぎ)が目覚(めざ)める 义 (よかん)に
sa na gi ga me gi me lu yo kan ni
The pupa is in the premonition of awakening
The pain in the back (せなか)のache (いた)みは
se na ka no i ta mi wa
Pain in the back
Born from feather
Hope(きぼう)にまたtempt(さそ)われGet lost(めいろ)に戻(もど) るの?
ki ba u ni ma ta sa so wa le me i lo ni mo do lu no
Do you hope to return to the lost path where you were guided again? p>
slide fall(お)ちるように
silde o chi lu yu u ni
slide as if falling
sly 士组(しく )まれても
sly xi ku ma le de mo
sly even if it has been arranged
さあ上(うえ)を向(む)いて大( おお)きく飞(と)べよ
sa a u e o mu i te o o ki ku to be yo
Come on and spread your wings high in the sky and fly
prize Receive(う)けtake(と)るなら
prize u ke to lu na la
prize If you choose to accept
rise 変(か)われる だろう
rise ka wa le lu da lo u
rise may change
My heaven, my heaven
Breathe ( こきゅう)とまるまでにescaping(に)げ出(だ)せる多分(たぶん)
ko kyu to ma lu ma de ni ni ge da se lu ta bun
Until The moment when breathing stops
Breathing (こきゅう)とめないでと愿(ねが)う
ko kyu to me na i de to ne ga u
< p>Most of those who can escape will hope that their breathing will not stopah... 桋るようにah... 士组(しく)まれても
ah. ..o qi lu qi lu yo u ni ah...xi ku ma le te mo
ah...as if falling...even if it has been arranged
さあ Go up (うえ)を toward (む)いてfly (と)び立(た)つ
sa a u e o mu i te to bi ta ci
Come on and spread your wings to the sky< /p>
bright dizzy(まぶ)しすぎた
bright ma bu xi su gi ta
bright too dazzling
right pupil( ひとみ)だから
right hi to mi da ka la
right because of the pupils
もう二度(にど)と性(つみ)を见( み)ないでおくれ
mo u ni da to ci mi o mi na i de i o ku le
Please don’t see sin again
pride abandon ( す)てぬ者(もの)が
pride su te ne mo no ga
Pride 不 abandoning
ride 生(い)き抜(ぬ )くだろう
rige i ki nu ku da lu u
ride may be able to escape this disaster
No heaven, no heaven
Side of you