1, I want to tell you, you should fear God and make sacrifices to God. You know, he is the Lord of heaven and the king of the earth.
This section is the beginning of the poem, which emphasizes the importance of fearing God. People should realize that God is the master of the universe and is in charge of everything in the sky and on the earth. Therefore, people should offer sacrifices to him to show their awe and gratitude.
He never tolerates evil, and the punishment for evil is severe. He loves those who fear him. They are his treasures.
This section emphasizes God's severe punishment for sin and his love for those who fear him. People should realize that only by fearing God and staying away from evil can they get his blessing and love.
Those who fear God will be blessed, and their children and grandchildren will also be blessed. Those who fear God will be glorified in the world and praised after death.
This section emphasizes that people who fear God will get all kinds of blessings and glory. These blessings include not only their success and happiness in the world, but also the praise and glory they receive after their death.
Those who fear God will be blessed, and their children and grandchildren will also be blessed. Those who fear God will be glorified in the world and praised after death.
This passage is the end of the poem, emphasizing once again that those who fear God will get all kinds of blessings and glory. These blessings include not only their success and happiness in the world, but also the praise and glory they receive after their death.
The meaning of the poem 1 12;
1 and the poem 1 12 are poems praising God and emphasizing the importance of fearing God. The whole poem expresses people's awe and gratitude to God in concise and clear language, and warns people to stay away from evil and embark on the road of justice.
2. It reminds people to always fear God and realize that God is the master of the universe and is in charge of everything in heaven and earth. Only by fearing God and staying away from sin can we get his blessing and love. At the same time, this poem also encourages people to actively do good deeds and embark on the road of justice, so as to get all kinds of blessings and glory.
3. The poem 1 12 also emphasizes the importance of family. It points out that those who fear God will be blessed, and their children and grandchildren will also be blessed. This means that family inheritance and education are very important. Only through good family education can we cultivate future generations who fear God, stay away from evil and embark on the road of justice.
It emphasizes the moral quality that people should possess. The poem points out that those who fear God will stay away from evil and take the road of justice. This means that people should have noble moral qualities, such as honesty, integrity and kindness, and stay away from all evil and immoral behaviors.
It warns people to be modest and prudent. Throughout the poem, people who fear God are described as blessed, honored and praised, but they are not described as proud or complacent. On the contrary, they should remain modest and cautious, and realize that their success and happiness come from God's blessing and love.