The "three officials" include Xin 'an officials, Shi Hao officials and Tongguan officials. These poems show Du Fu's profound exposure and criticism of social contradictions such as officials oppressing the people and compulsory conscription, and also reflect the helplessness and pain of the people in the face of these injustices.
"Three Farewells" include wedding farewell, farewell to the old and welcome to the new, and homelessness. These poems describe the tragic scene of people being forced to separate and their families being destroyed in the war, and show Du Fu's hatred of the war and sympathy for the people's sufferings.
The contradictory thoughts and feelings expressed in these six poems are mainly Du Fu's profound understanding of social reality and deep sympathy for people's sufferings, and also reflect his helplessness and confusion in the face of these social contradictions. The emergence of this kind of thought and emotion is related to Du Fu's personal experience and thoughts, and also closely related to his background and social environment.
In a word, Du Fu's six poems "Three Officials" and "Three Farewells" profoundly reflect social contradictions and people's sufferings, and show his profound understanding of social reality and deep sympathy for people's sufferings.