Therefore, Zhou Gongdan, the younger brother of King Wu, assisted him to become king, which is actually the power of the acting ruler. In history, no one called Zhou Gongdan by his name, only called him Duke Zhou.
Duke Zhou's fief is in Lu, so he can't go to the fief because he has to stay in Beijing to handle government affairs. When his son Bochen grew up, he sent Bochen to Lu to be the ruler instead of him.
When Birchin left, he asked his father what his orders were. Duke Zhou said, "I am the son of King Wen, my brother, and now the uncle of the king. What do you think of my state? "
The bird said, "That is naturally high."
Duke Zhou said: "My status is really high, but every time I wash my hair, I stop washing my hair in case of emergency and hold my hair in my hand to do things." Every time I have a meal, when I hear someone asking for an audience, I spit out the food I can't swallow in time and go to see the person who asks for it. I'm afraid people won't come to me if I do this. You can't be proud when you get to Lu! "
The bird nodded again and again, indicating that it must remember my teaching. Duke Zhou tried his best to help him become king, but his younger brothers Guan Shu and Cai Shu spread rumors outside that Duke Zhou was having an affair!
Zhou Wang's son Wu Geng was controlled by the Zhou Dynasty, and he felt very uneasy. He hoped that the Zhou Dynasty would be chaotic and restore the status of the Shang Dynasty. He colluded with Guan Shu and Cai Shu, contacted a group of old Shang nobles, and incited several tribes in Dongyi to make trouble.
Rumors made by Wu Geng, Guan Shu and others. It caused an uproar in the capital, and even Zhao Gongming became suspicious. As a young king, he is not sensible, let alone true or false. He also has a little distrust of this uncle who helped him.
Duke Zhou was very sad. He talked to Zhao first, told him that he had no ambition, and told him to put the overall situation first and not to believe rumors. Zhao Gongxuan was moved by his sincere words, cleared up the misunderstanding and cooperated with Duke Zhou again. After setting the internal affairs, the Duke of Zhou resolutely mobilized his troops and personally led the army eastward.
At this point, several tribes in the east are ready to act. The Duke of Zhou gave an order to King Taigong and authorized him. The governors of various countries who refused to obey the Zhou Dynasty were all convinced by squire wang zheng. In this way, Tai Wang Gong took control of the East, and he made every effort to deal with his own Wu Geng.
It took the Duke of Zhou three years to finally pacify Wu Geng and execute Wu Geng. When Guan Shu saw Wu Geng's failure, he was ashamed to meet his brother and nephew and committed suicide.
In the process of Duke Zhou's eastward expedition, a large number of Shang nobles became prisoners. Because they rebelled against the Zhou Dynasty, they were called "stubborn people".
Duke Zhou was uneasy about letting these people stay in their original places; At the same time, I feel that the capital is in the west and it is not convenient to control the vast Central Plains in the east. So I built a new capital in the east, called Luoyi, and moved all the "stubborn people" of the Yin Dynasty there to control it.
After that, the Zhou Dynasty had two capitals. The west is Zhou Zong; Dongfanghong is weeks away.
The Duke of Zhou assisted Cheng Wang to govern the state affairs for seven years, and finally consolidated the rule of the Zhou Dynasty. He also formulated a set of laws and regulations of the Zhou Dynasty. By the time Zhou Chengwang was twenty years old, the Duke of Zhou handed over power to Wang Cheng for management.
From Zhou Chengwang to his son Kang Wang, about fifty years ago, it was a period of prosperity and unification of the Zhou Dynasty, which was called "the rule of Cheng Kang" in history.