Find the lyrics of a song!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please see the above website (Tudou). This song is not the march song of the German First SS Armored Division at all.

ERA is a music group whose style is close to that of Gregorian. The music type is a fusion of hymns and modern instrumental music; its soul is French musician Eric Levi. "The Mass" is the title song of the third album of the same name released by ERA.

Of course, the main reason for mentioning this is that this site has also rumored the fact before: "The Mass" is the military song of the German SS, "SS Lightning Troops Advance". What is going on? ?

It turns out that the music of "the mass" comes from the opening chorus of the famous epic musical "Carmina Burana" by Karl Orff, a famous German composer as famous as Strauss and Strauss in the 19th century. "oh! "Fate". And Hitler also liked his music very much, so it is possible that "Oh!" The song "Goddess of Destiny" was used as the melody of the SS Panzergrenadier military song, and the title of the song is "SS Lightning Troopers are advancing".

Note: Due to the large number of military songs in the German army, no one has actually confirmed that this is the military song of the Führer Grenadier Division.

Summary: The so-called "SS Lightning Troopers Marching Forward" we are hearing now is actually "The Mass" by the band ERA. Friends who understand Latin can check it out. I can only say that it is a rumor. I have to say two things. The only connection is that they both draw on "Poem Burana".


Era is derived from and inherited the successful elements of Enigma, Deep Forest, Gregorian and other famous players and evolved and innovated it. Overall, the music types of Era and Gregorian are both a fusion of hymns and modern instrumental music, and even sound quite similar at first glance. However, learning is not a sin, rigid imitation is shameful. After all, not everyone can set a precedent like Enigma. As mentioned before, Era is originally the inheritance and development of the successful experience of its predecessors. The key lies in whether there are any breakthroughs and changes compared to before. The result of market testing is that Era succeeded.

Compared with Gregorian’s all-male lineup (Sarah Brightman’s vocals are in the minority after all), Era emphasizes the female voice in both harmony and lead vocals, so the overall style appears softer and softer. Warmer. I think Gregorian's singing is like a solemn song high above the altar, somewhat "can be viewed from a distance but not played with"; while Era's is more humane, like the singing of civilians right around us. There is no praise or criticism here, it is just my personal feeling. And due to the emphasis on female vocals, Era's vocals are obviously richer than Gregorian's, and the role of the female lead singer is heavier. In addition, Gregorian pays great attention to the creation of the overall atmosphere of the music, while Era's songs are more melodic, easy to listen to, and feel more popular. This may be one of the secrets of Era's success.