It thundered three miles ago, and thousands of people came at the same time. Because of righteousness, people are angry and brave, and the villagers work together to destroy it.
Tian Lu's family must defend it, and can't wait to make a scene with gongs and drums. Qi Xin, female, is also an athlete. Plows and hoes are her weapons.
The countryside is divided into far and near flags and even hundreds of teams along the mountain. All the barbarians suddenly looked at each other, and the black flag was hard to survive.
Foreign troops only rely on guns, and people are at peace. It's raining cats and dogs in the clear sky, and fierce barbarians are not violent.
What's more, firearms are useless, and people are not used to sliding mud. The low field is bitter and lingering, and the high field is anxious and crowded.
Among them, the chief of the Yi nationality is particularly ugly, with an elephant skin wrapped in armor. The dog has a long throat and is still hanging on the tenth day.
However, it is really easy to escape from the unparalleled wings and annihilate the chief of Juequ. I don't know why the dead fish died unexpectedly because of the huge net.
Reconciliation with Rong relieved his worries, and the wind people generously gave him the same hatred. How can he make a fortune in the golden age, but he is like a gold coin?