1 You shall not make any idols or erect carved idols or pillars; You shall not set up any graven image in your land and bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God.
Keep my sabbaths and respect my sanctuary. I am God.
If you keep my statutes and keep my commandments,
I will give you rain, so that the earth will yield and the trees of the field will bear fruit.
When threshing grain, you should pick grapes, sow seeds when picking grapes, eat enough, and live safely in your own land.
I will give peace to your land, and you will lie down and no one will frighten you. I will destroy evil beasts from your land. The sword will not pass through your land.
Pursue your enemies, and they will fall by your sword.
Five of you pursue a hundred people, and a hundred pursue ten thousand people, and your enemies will fall by your sword.
I will take care of you and make you fruitful and multiply, and I will establish my Covenant with you.
10 eat old grain, and remove old grain because of new grain.
1 1 I want to set up my tent among you, and my heart doesn't hate you.
12 I will walk among you, I will be your God, and you will be my people.
13 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be slaves of the Egyptians. I also broke your yoke and made you walk upright.
If you don't listen to me and keep my commandments,
15 rejected my statutes, hated my laws, did not keep all my commandments, and broke my covenant.
16 I will do this to you: I will be doomed to panic, so that consumption and fever with withered eyes will rule you. Sow in vain, because the enemy will eat what you sow.
17 I will set my face against you, and you will be defeated before your enemies. People who hate you will rule you. No one is chasing you, but you want to run.
18 If you don't listen to me for these things, I will punish you seven times for your sins.
I will cut off your pride because of your great power, and make your sky like iron and your land like bronze.
Work in vain, for your land is barren, and the trees on it are barren.
2 1 If you act against me and refuse to listen to me, I will punish you seven times according to your sins.
I will also send wild animals among you to plunder your children and devour your livestock, so that your numbers will be reduced and your roads will be desolate.
If you don't correct yourself and oppose me for these things,
Then I will be against you, and I will strike you seven times for your sins.
I will bring a sword on you, and I will avenge you for breaking your promise. I will gather you in every city, and I will spread pestilence among you, and I will deliver you into the hands of your enemies.
I will break your staff and cut off your bread. There will be ten women baking cakes for you in the stove and giving them to you by weight; If you want to eat, you can't get enough.
If you do not listen to me because of all this, but oppose me,
Then I will be furious and take action against you. Punished you seven times for your sins.
You will eat the flesh of your sons and daughters.
I will destroy your high places, cut down your sun images and throw your dead bodies on your idols. My heart will hate you.
3 1 I will make your city desolate and your sanctuary desolate. I don't smell your sweet fragrance either.
I will make this land desolate, and the enemies who live in it will be amazed at it.
I will scatter you among the nations, and I will draw my sword after you. Your land will be desolate, and your cities will be desolate.
When you live in the land of your enemies, your land will be desolate, and the rest can enjoy it. At that time, the land will rest and enjoy the rest.
If the land is barren for a long time, it will rest for a long time. This kind of rest on the earth is beyond your vacation year of living on the earth.
As for the rest of you, I will frighten them in the land of their enemies. The sound of leaves being blown by the wind should chase them; They want to escape, just like people escape from the sword. No one is chasing, but it will fall;
When no one is chasing them, they will collide like swords. You won't stand in front of your enemies.
You will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you.
The rest of you will perish in the land of your enemies because of their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers.
They will confess their sins and the sins of their fathers, that is, their sins against me; Admit that you are bad for me,
4 1 So I turned against them and took them to the enemy's land. At that time, if their uncircumcised hearts were humble, they also accepted the punishment of sin.
I will remember my covenant with Jacob, my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will also remember this land.
When they leave this land, they will enjoy their rest in the barren land. They will bear the punishment of iniquity, because they have rejected my judgments and abhorred my statutes in their hearts.
Even so, although they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or hate them, I will completely destroy them, and I will not break my Covenant with them, because I am the Lord their God.
But for their sake, I will remember my covenant with their fathers, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of all the nations, so that I might be their God. I am God. "
These statutes, judgments and statutes were established by the LORD and the Israelites at Mount Sinai through Moses.
Scripture sharing:
This passage is about blessings and curses. God reiterated the importance of curtain worship (that is, it is forbidden to worship idols), and promised the blessing of obedience (section 3/ 13), warning that those who disobey will be severely disciplined (section 14/39), but God has mercy. If the Israeli people turn back to crime,
The foundation of the Covenant: leave all idolatry, obey the Lord's command, and worship in the holy place on the Sabbath. Idolatry is forbidden, and Israelis are not allowed to carve any idols for themselves, nor are they allowed to own idols. Therefore, the correct worship is blessed by God, and the wrong worship will be cursed.
Promised blessing: If the people of Israel keep God's commandments and laws, God will bless them, so that they can have a bumper harvest, no one will be hungry, the country will be safe, no one will be attacked by livestock, they will be strong and brave, and have many children. God is the shield around the Israelites, and the identity of the Israelites changes (the servant becomes the master). 13 breaks the yoke you bear and makes you stand and walk.
Discipline disaster: If the Israelites don't obey the commandments and laws and violate God's covenant, discipline and disaster will come to the Israelites. Moses mentioned the consequences of breaking the promise, which is equivalent to the previous blessing. First of all, if there is a warning of the coming disease (section 16), no food is allowed. Lack of peace (section 17). However, if we don't repent, God will punish the Israeli people more severely, that is, seven times (18 seven times, 2 1 seven times, 24 seven times, 28 seven times). However, the punishment is more serious every time. The curse also doubled on the Israelites, and eventually they were completely defeated and captured.
Seven times: the land is no longer bumper (18/20). Due to the attack of wild animals, the number of children decreased (Section 265438 +0/22). Plague, war, famine (24/26). Famine seriously eats its own children, the city is desolate, it is scattered among the nations, and it lives in fear. (28/39)
Compassion and grace: If the Israelites finally repent and confess their sins (40/4 1), although they are in trouble, there is still hope for revival. God commemorates the Covenant with Abraham (42), and God once again implements the grace of redemption, just as he led them out of Egypt (44/45).
The blessing and discipline of the Israelites are all related to the God they fear. Everything about Israel is in God's hands. However, if they obey, they will be blessed; Otherwise, they will suffer humiliation and pain. However, the same is true of God's children. We know Christ, Christ is everything in our life, and everything we have is in Christ. May we meditate on the grace of the Lord Christ forever.