At that time, although these people believed in Jesus and were baptized with water, they were still not enough. Although Philip, who preached the gospel, finished the work of leading people to believe in the Lord first, he still needed the church in Jerusalem to send apostles to strengthen the newly established church, so that these people could experience the deeper work of the Holy Spirit, that is, being baptized by the Holy Spirit.
At that time, Peter and John came to Samaria, laid their hands on these newly baptized believers and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when we lead people to believe in Jesus, we should help them to accept this necessary experience, that is, to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. At that time, the apostles Peter and John did not say, "Let's wait a few years, observe their situation, and then pray that they will receive the Holy Spirit." . They immediately laid their hands on these people and prayed that the Holy Spirit would fill them. Because they know that if they want to be disciples and live the life of Jesus, they must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, you will not have the power of the Holy Spirit.
Compared with the previous experience of the early church, we will find that the Holy Spirit will fall on people in two ways: one is that, as happened on Pentecost, no one laid his hands on his disciples to pray, and the Holy Spirit directly fell on each of them, and after being filled with the Holy Spirit, he spoke the dialects of various countries or spoke the words of God boldly. Here we see that God prayed through the hands of the apostles, and all these people received the Holy Spirit. God has the right to operate in different ways, and we can't limit God. God acts according to his own will, does what he sees as good, or comes directly to people; Or through some utensils, by laying hands on prayer to help people accept the Holy Spirit.