Introduction experiment of Caragana arborescens

Caragana arborescens It is a small tree or a big shrub with a height of 2-6 meters; The old branches are dark gray and smooth. When young, the branchlets are angular, green or yellowish brown, and the leaflets are oblong and obovate. Pedicels 2-5 clustered, each peduncle has 1 flower, nodes in the upper part, bracteoles and bristles; The calyx is bell-shaped, the corolla is yellow, the flag petal is rhombic and broadly oval, the keel petal is slightly shorter than the flag petal, the stalk is slightly shorter than the petal, and the spike is blunt or slightly triangular; Ovary glabrous or pubescent. Pods are cylindrical and hairless. The flowering period is May-June and the fruiting period is August-September. Heilongjiang in China, northeastern Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, eastern Gansu and northern Xinjiang. Born in the forest, by the forest. Gardens for viewing and greening, and soap and paint. (Overview Image Source: 1)