Juyoucao (Juyoucao. It is said to have been written by King Wen when he was confined to Youli. It is not credible. It should be a Chinese poem.)
The Yin Dao is soaked in turbidity and trouble. Nobles and purples are inseparable when they are together. Confused, sensual and slanderous. The scorching heat makes me feel guilty. The claustrophobic trap comes from its words. Who declares the shackles of innocence? The four of us who came in were worried and diligent. Get this treasure and solve the big problem. He hurriedly followed his fate and left behind Kunxi. Doing this is a sign that things will change in the future. Qin Chengzu ordered that God would not mourn. Then I came down to the soil in Shengming. Cry out violence, eliminate chaos, and kill the rebellious king.
There is the word "xi" at the end of each sentence. We know that the empty word "xi" is just a particle and has no meaning, so it can be removed. Therefore, it is actually a seven-character poem. Some of Cai Yan's eighteen pieces of Hujia in the Eastern Han Dynasty are eight-character poems, such as the sixth piece.
The body is bitterly cold due to the frost, and the meat and cheese are too hungry to eat. At night I hear the sound of the Long River whimpering, and in the morning I see the Great Wall and the long road. Reminiscing about the past, it is difficult to carry luggage, and the six beats are sad and I want to stop playing. But there is the word "xi" in the middle of each sentence. Historically, six-line eight-character poems almost always contained the word "xi". The popular Buddhist scripture of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "The Sutra of Taishang Lingbao Pure Brightness Flying Immortal to Save People" contains six songs of "Songs of the Demon King of the Three Realms". They all have eight characters and one sentence (the three realms are the realm of desire, the realm of color, and the realm of formlessness), so Zhen Wan laughed and called it the "Flying Eight-Character Essay" in "Tao Lun". Such as the third song of the devil of the colorless realm
The Daluo is above the three realms. The clouds on the colorless roots are high. There is only a sign of the original catastrophe. The ministry governs our realm and takes over the Xuandu capital. There was a time when my body entered the realm of jade. I take the throne as King Kuang to control the demons. But what's wrong with reading it as a four-character sentence? Dongfang Shuo's "Cai Boyi" is rather cunning in design.
There are caves and caves hidden in the dome. Rather than follow sycophants and achieve your goals. It is not as good as going from Lone Bamboo to Shouyang. .
The third sentence is a real eight-character poem. The word "xi" in the first sentence is in the middle, and the word "xi" in the second sentence is at the end, making the whole poem an eight-character poem. It is truly an eight-character poem. The earliest eight-character poems we have seen today include two jiaotiao poems in "Yanshe Geci·Wuwu Lu Tiaoqu" written by Yu Xin. The poem says; Yanshe's Song Ci·Friday Lu Tiaoqu
Zhige was seen in the wilderness of Juebri, and he was called to attack and heard of the expedition of Danshui. If all faith and loyalty are preserved, then forget about food first. Who can defeat the army if all five materials are used together? Although the great treasure of a saint is his position, the great virtues of heaven and earth come from his mouth. Jing and Wei flow together with pure and turbid abilities, and the harp and harp combine with elegant and solemn sounds. The people's voices and teachings are different, and the vast traces of Yu and the tracks are not merged. Aim for the world but be respectful and thrifty, and embrace the universe without being arrogant. Words without words will not go far. There is no success without righteousness and diligence. Compassion is shown in one's heart with kindness and kindness, and forgiveness of one's faults is typical of compassion and pity. The people who admire Kuang Zan may be engaged in fishing, while those who are in the clouds and rain may sigh at the deep valley. Those who seek fragrance pursue the orchid with deep path. Those who know the rhyme can pick the bamboo they are already in poverty. There are three things that can be done to understand one's virtue and responsibility. The sound of the wind in the tree speaks to Jiu Mu. If you are engaged in the five disciplines of Xie Yong, you can use the eight policies in agriculture to make your grain. We meet Zhou Nan in different ways, and we meet Uncle Kang from the same mother and father. There is no blame for the cold and summer rain, and the sky is covered with clouds and oil is dripping. Fortunately, I am grateful to the honest people of ancient times. The common people can be sealed in Biwu. Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty also had a poem called Bagu:
The princes have seen Wang Wei
The official was not in Wangchuan Village at that time. I regret that I have not mourned this lonely life.
Living on the screen and working on the poor land of Lantian. Suiyan paid taxes to provide rice for prosperity.
Going to Donggao in the morning, the grass is still dewy. Watching the fireworks at dusk, the burden comes and goes.
I heard that there are enough guests to sweep away the thorns. Tao Shi Yi He Fu melon grabs dates.
The virtuous people who look up to the toilet are old and wise. I am ashamed of myself.
Climb up the slope and fold the lotus flowers. Watch the plain tuna reflected on the white sand.
Flocks of mountain birds are flying and the sun is hidden by the light clouds. As we boarded the horse, the rain suddenly dispersed.
The birds are noisy in the deserted village and the chickens are crowing in the empty hall. Far away and quiet, I sigh tiredly.
But reading still has the flavor of Siyan. A true eight-character poem with four sentences is Tang Luqun's "Wu Shaocheng's Work at the Banquet":
Auspiciousness does not exist in the phoenix or unicorn, but peace requires loyal ministers.
Benevolence has the courage and courage of hundreds of military commanders, and does not require the gold and silver of the three armies.
But this kind of four-line poem is actually very difficult to find. I could only find one out of eight sentences, but each sentence contained the word "xi". The Song of Returning to Hometown with Patrol Clothes and Brocade Military System by Qian Liu of the Tang Dynasty
On the third day of the festival, I return home and hang up my brocade robes. The blue sky is bright and I love the sunshine.
On the road to success, there are banners and flags, and fathers and mothers come from far away to follow.
The family members of the family in the hometown rarely gather together, but now there is a banquet and they disperse.
There are no bulls in the bullfight, the people are not bullied, and the king of Wuyue returns with his horse.
Eight Honors, Eight Shames and Eight Character Poems
We must be proud to love the motherland. The motherland is our mother. It is the responsibility of every citizen to selflessly contribute to the motherland.
We must be ashamed of endangering the motherland and oppose all destructive acts. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, and those who harm the country and the people will become criminals.
We must be proud of advocating science, seek truth from facts and pay attention to seriousness, establish a scientific view of life and history, change customs and get rid of superstition.
We must be ashamed of our ignorance, study hard and pursue progress. We must keep our eyes open when facing the truth, falsehood, good and evil in the world.
We should be proud of hard work. Labor can purify the soul. We admire labor and despise laziness. Workers should be respected.
We should be ashamed of being indolent and indolent, put an end to corruption, and everyone should start from themselves to create a spiritual and material civilization.
We must be proud to serve the people, be a good public servant and a good gardener, care for the people and their livelihood, and give our sincerity.
We must be ashamed of betraying the people, we must live in solidarity with the people, do not do to others what we do not want others to do to us, and put the interests of the people first.
We must take pride in being honest and trustworthy, win with sincerity and win with trust, do not engage in fraud for fame and fortune, and pay attention to credibility and smooth roads.
We should be ashamed of being unjust and unjust, and improve the moral level of the whole people. Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way, and the world will not tolerate it.
We must be proud of solidarity and mutual assistance, seek common ground while reserving differences and be tolerant of others. Only by forming a common sense can we work together, and only by working together can we defeat the enemy.
We must be ashamed of benefiting ourselves at the expense of others, refrain from doing things that harm others, respect the old and love the young, be willing to help others, and act bravely when seeing justice is a hero.
We must take pride in hard work, carry forward the spirit of hard work, make unremitting efforts and forge ahead, and never stop in the face of difficulties.
We must be ashamed of arrogance and lewdness, put an end to the breeding of corruption, fight against corruption, promote integrity and promote integrity, and resist unhealthy trends in society.
We must take pride in abiding by laws and regulations, constantly sound the alarm to guard against mistakes, and build a harmonious society. The power of example is infinite.
We must be ashamed of violating laws and disciplines, and we must be honest and upright. The past mistakes are worth learning from, and the law will not tolerate it.
The total number of eight-character poems handed down from ancient times is very small. It is probably difficult to escape the shadow of four-character poems and seven-character poems. It is too difficult and exhausting to write a true eight-character poem. To please people, it is rare for someone to write in history.