Guarding Sweetheart Maze Butterfly Song Sheet

Labyrinth Butterfly

Open your shiny eyes in the silent night

无码的夜目い下り たThe incredible night comes dancing in the air

〔Fushigi na yoru Mai ori ta〕

The sound without footsteps came quietly

〔Ashioto tate zu Shinobi yoru〕

悩ましげな黑猫のポーズThat charming black cat pose

〔Nayama shigena Kuroneko no poozu〕

月明かりをBack The moonlight shines on the figure emerging from the back

〔tsuki akari wo se ni Uka bu shiruetto〕

「こっちへおいで」と笑んでhwawawa with a smile " Come here"

〔"Kocchiheoide" to hohoen de Temaneki〕

Desire no shadow うごめくstreet The phantom of desire creeps on the street

〔Yokubou no kage Ugomeku machi〕

Angel のふりで彷娨い keeps wandering in the posture of an angel

〔Tenshi no furide samayo i〕

大刀そうに hugs えてる as if cherishing it extremely Hugging

〔Taisetsu souni dae teru〕

行き fieldのない爱のカケラThe fragment of love with nowhere to go

〔Iki ba nonai ai no kakera〕

Where were you when I was sleepy?

Where were you when I fell asleep

     を见ているの? Are you dreaming of happiness?

〔Shiawase na yume wo mite iruno? 〕

Hoshizora ni kisu woshite Ii ko wamou Oyasumi〕

< p>见つめないでつかまえないでCan’t be seen or caught

〔Mitsu menaide Tsukamae naide〕

Mitsu い込んだバタフライThe lost butterfly

〔Mayoikon da Batafurai〕

Free song うWho にも见えないFeather free singing with wings that no one has seen

〔Jiyuu Utau Dare nimo mie nai hane〕

隠してるのあなたの chest の奥 hidden deep in your heart

〔Kakushi teru no Anatano mune no oku〕

mirror の中の面影は the face in the mirror

〔Kagami no nakano omokage wa〕

crying insects are still the same as when they were crybaby

〔Naki mushi dattaano goro〕

だけれどもう子公じゃないHowever, he is no longer a child

〔Dakere domou kodomo janai〕

stretched out his long hair

〔Nobashi ta kami wohodoita〕

The sweet perfume that tightly surrounds the chest

〔Mune wo shime tsukeru Amai furegu ransu〕

temptation してる気づいているtemptation alert

〔Yuuwaku shiteru Kizu iteiru〕

Word leaves をなくしたくちびるにMagic かけたの is there Wordless lips cast that magic

〔Kotoba wonaku shitaku chibi runi Mahou kaketano〕

见つめないでつかまえないでcan’t be seen or captured

〔Mitsu menaide Tsukamae naide〕

美い込んだバタフライThe lost butterfly

〔Mayoikon da Batafurai〕

爱しすぎて大杀すぎて爱too much Too important

〔Itoshi sugite Taisetsu sugite〕

壊れてしまうprivate chestのKey is broken The key to my heart

〔Koware teshimau Watashi no mune no kagi〕

Tan し続ける自分の物语 keeps pursuing the story that belongs to me

〔Sagashi tsuduke ru Jibun no sutoorii〕

Fate に目隠し されてもEven if I am blinded by fate

〔Unmei ni mekakushi saretemo〕

この云をTUき抜けFarawayかなTomorrowへとFeatherばたくI will fly through the clouds to the distant tomorrow< /p>

〔Kono kumo wo tsuki nuke Haruka na asu heto Han bataku〕

见つめないでつかまえないで can’t be seen or captured

〔Mitsu menaide Tsukamae naide 〕

美い込んだバタフライThe lost butterfly

〔Mayoikon da Batafurai〕

お愿いまとい飞び立つ见えないyu begged to fly. Wings I have never seen before

〔negai matoi Tobi tatsu mie nai hane〕

隠してるのあなたの chestのAu is hidden deep in your heart

〔Kakushi teruno Anatano mune no oku〕