Junior high school English People's Education Press Poetry Praising Mother is the song "Mother's Arms" when I was a child.


Mom knows best

When?I?was?a?tiny?baby?crying?all?night,?my? mom?sang?to?me?and?stayed?by?my?side.?When I was a little baby crying all night, my mother would cuddle up next to me and sing me to sleep. ?When?I?was?tired?and?hungry,?she?gave?me?food?and?warm?arms?to?sleep?in.

When I was tired and hungry, My mother gave me the warm embrace of food and rest.


When I was two years old and running around the fields, she kept me safe and out of danger.


When I fall and get hurt , she gave me a hug and helped me stand up.


When I was seven years old and coughed violently, she said I didn’t Time for ice cream.

But?I?talked?back?loudly,?―I?should?be?allowed?to?eat?some!?Give?it?to?me?now!‖?I refuted loudly , "I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!"

When?I?was?nine?watching?scary?movies,?she?said?it'd?give?me?awful? dreams. When I was nine years old, I watched horror movies. She said that movies would give me nightmares.

But?I?shouted?back?angrily,?―I?should?be?allowed?to?watch?it!?I'm?not?a?baby!‖?I was angrily Response, "I should be allowed to watch! I'm not a child!"

When?I?was?a?teen?going?out?with?friends,?she?said,?―Please?be?back ?by?ten!‖?As a teenager, I was hanging out with a friend, and she said, "Please come back before ten!"

But?I?talked?back?again?—?―I?should ?not?be?told?what?to?do!?I'm?seventeen?now!‖?But I talked back again - "I don't need you to tell me what I should or shouldn't do! I'm already 17 years old!"


Now that I'm an adult, I'm thinking back to those times.


Eating ice cream made me cough

And?had?scary ?dreams?after?watching?that?film.

Watching horror movies gave me nightmares.


I was late for school just because I was still wandering out at 10 o'clock.


I really regret it! I regret that I shouldn’t have talked back, and I regret that I didn’t listen to my mother’s advice.


Mom knows (the child) best, she just wants to treat me how she wants most!