The noblest flesh and blood in my life, I entered the school early with my name, I will be thirty-six years old, I will take off my blue clothes and change into red robes

This is the horoscope of 3 liang and 8 (people with abundant wealth).

The noblest person in life, he entered the school early and had his name stamped on him; when he was about to be thirty-six years old, he took off his blue shirt and changed into a red robe.

Interpretation of the above: "Xingmen" refers to the ancient school; it means to become a scholar early. If it is ancient times, you will obtain fame around the age of thirty-six. "Blue shirt" is what ordinary scholars wore in ancient times, and "red robe" refers to official uniforms. In ancient times with strong feudal ideas, men did not wear red clothes.