English poems describing nature, shorter ones. Call on us to be environmentally friendly.


early spring sentences

william wordsworth

I heard a thoughtful blended notes,

while in a grove I sate recycled,

in that sweet mood when happy thoughts

bringing sad thoughts to the mind.

I was lying in the Woods,

listening to thousands of harmonious voices,

carefree emotions and happy thoughts,

but I was worried.

The human soul that through me ran;

and much it grieved my heart to think

What man has made of man.

Through my feelings, nature

connects the human soul with her masterpiece,

which makes my mind more sad to remember

how people treat people.

The Periwinkle Trailed Its Wreaths;

and' tis my faith that every flower

enjoys the air it breathes.

Through the primrose bushes, in the shade,

Long blue and white flowers are weaving its garlands.

I firmly believe that every flower

enjoys itself in the air it breathes.

They think I can't measure:-

But the least motion which they made

It seems a thrill of pleasure.

Birds are jumping around me. Jumping for joy,

I can't figure out their mind-

But even their subtle movements

seem to be an exciting joy.

The budding twists spread out their fan,

To catch the breezy air;

and I must think, do all I can,

that there was pleasant there.

The shoots sprout like a fan,

To catch the brisk breeze,

I must think of doing my best.

There is joy there.

If this believe from heaven be sent,

If such be nature's holy plan,

Have I not reason to lame

What man has made of man?

If this belief comes from the apocalypse,

If this is the divine arrangement of nature,

What reason do I have to lament

how people treat people?