? Why is God so slow in my life?
? After three years with his disciples, Jesus said, "I still have a lot to tell you, but you can't bear it now, just wait for the holy spirit of truth." He will guide you to know all the truth, because he didn't speak for himself, but he will tell you what he heard and what will happen in the future. " (John 16: 12- 13) Jesus had many things to teach his disciples, but they were not ready to accept them at that time. However, Jesus knew that the Holy Spirit would continue to guide his disciples and help them understand the truth at the time set by God.
You may ask; "God, can you help me grow up quickly?"
? God replied, "I have started the work in your life as fast as you can bear." When you are ready one day, I will inject new truth into your life. "
Think about this question:
Do I respond to everything God directs me to do?
Have I obeyed the will of God as I know it?
Do I really believe that he loves me and that what he does is the best and most correct?
Am I willing to wait patiently for the time he set and obey everything I knew I had to do?
? It doesn't take long for grass to grow up when it is fleeting; Oak lives for more than a hundred years and takes a long time to grow. God considers our life from an eternal perspective, so we must give him enough time to shape us according to his will. The heavier the task he gives us, the longer it will take.
An important lesson for Christians is "waiting". We must be patient in practice. God has his own time and methods, not ours. "Only those who endure to the end will be saved." (Ma 24: 13)
There is time for everything,
Everything in the world has time.
(Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, section 1)
But those who wait for God,
We must start from scratch.
They will fly like eagles,
They are running but not sleepy,
Walking is not tiring.
(Isaiah 40: 3 1)