When Mr. Ji was very young, he was clever and naughty, and often made the teacher laugh and cry (the teacher's surname was Shi); One day, Ji Xiaolan took a little yellow bird to school to play. Just as he was having fun, Teacher Shi came in. Ji Xiaolan immediately hid the bird behind the loose brick on the wall. Teacher Shi also saw it. He pretended not to know and went to class. However, when Mr. Shi came to the wall with a poem, he suddenly pushed the brick back with his hand, and the poor bird was crushed to death. The teacher also proudly sang: "Good feathers make good birds die behind bricks."
Ji Xiaolan thought for a moment and said, "Teacher, can I give you a word?" The teacher still proudly said, "Of course." Ji Xiaolan said, "You read the finest JIA Yu bird. I give you a coarse-haired beast, your bricks, my stones, my future, and my life is the opposite. It is: wild animals and stones with rough hair rank first. "
When the teacher heard this, he knew that Ji Xiaolan was cursing him with homonym. His nose was crooked, but he was right or wrong!
Second, the story of Yu Qian
When Yu Qian was a child, he put his hair in a bun, and a monk laughed at him: "A cow's head loves a dragon's horn." Yu Qian immediately replied, "There is never ivory in a dog's mouth." But when Yu Qian came home, he told his mother that she would comb him into a triangle immediately. When Yu Qian went out to meet the monk, the monk laughed at him again: "Triangle is like a drum rack." Yu Qian replied: "The bald head is like a hammer." The monk was speechless.
Third, the story that Song ran into.
Luo, a poet in the early Tang Dynasty, participated in opposing Wu Zetian, but failed to do so. He had to remain anonymous and become a monk.
On this day, a young tourist came to Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. That's Song Wenzhi. In the evening, Song walked along the corridor between the temples and saw the bright moon in the sky and the ups and downs of wild mountains. He was full of poetry. He sang two sentences, "The vulture ridge died and the Dragon Palace was lonely", which was meaningful, but the following two sentences could not be picked up at the moment. At the end of the corridor, Song suddenly saw an old monk meditating. He stepped forward to say hello. The old monk raised his eyes and said, "I have two words-",so he sang slowly, "Watch the sea day from the building and listen to the tide in Zhejiang." After hearing this, Song was deeply moved.
Song went back to his room and savored it carefully, thinking that the old monk's two sentences were wonderful. Early the next morning, he hurried to visit the old monk, but he was nowhere to be found. Wandering in despair, a young monk passed by, and Song hurried forward to ask. The monk said, "Oh, he is King Robin."
4. Cao Zhi, the youngest son of Cao Cao, was gifted and loved by his father since childhood. After Cao Cao's death, his younger brother Cao Pi became the emperor of Wei. Cao Pi is a jealous man. He was worried that his younger brother would threaten his throne and wanted to kill him.
One day, Cao Pi called Cao Zhi to him and asked him to write a poem within seven steps to prove his talent in writing poetry. If he can't write it, it will be tantamount to deceiving the emperor and putting him to death.
Cao Zhi was sad and angry when he knew that his brother was going to kill him. He choked back his grief and thought hard ... Sure enough, he wrote a seven-step poem and read it out on the spot: soaking in the kettle, beans crying in the kettle. We were born from the same root, so why should we speculate with each other!