Whether the articulation of singing is clear,
The key lies in whether the pronunciation movement of the initial consonant is correct; the pronunciation movement in singing is a combination of the pronunciation movement of the initial consonant and the pronunciation movement of the final rhyme. It's done.
The correctness of the pronunciation of the finals and vowels will affect the correctness of the pronunciation of the pronunciation of the singing characters, while the correct control of the pronunciation of the initial consonants is directly related to the clarity of the pronunciation.
In the process of correction, it is necessary to make it clear that although the pronunciation movement of initial consonants is much faster than that of finals, it plays an important role in the initial movement of articulation, that is, in controlling the beginning of the word, and must be carried out accordingly according to the prescribed movements of its pronunciation. Control and do more functional exercises to improve control.
The control can be based on the benchmark movements of the initial consonants, and then based on the benchmark movements, do the vocal exercises of classifying the previous initial consonants.