Wang Wei had great courage when he was very young. Legend has it that one year, the magistrate of a county read a book saying that there is a kind of stone gall in the local mountains, which can live for a hundred years. So he ordered people to find it.
But there is none in the mountains, so the people can't find it. The magistrate of a county was very angry and insisted that the people had hidden gallstones, so many people were arrested in prison. Young Wang Wei couldn't bear to watch the villagers suffer.
He picked up a few stones and handed them to the magistrate of a county and said, "There are many stones, but no gall." The magistrate was furious and scolded him, saying, "It's recorded in the book, how could it not be?"
Xiao Wang Wei said unhurriedly, "It is also recorded in the book of dragons and phoenixes, but can you find it?" The magistrate of a county had nothing to say, so he had to withdraw the order to find stone gall and let all the people who were imprisoned for it come out. ?
2. Do more than one thing?
In the seventh year of Kaiyuan (7 19), Wang Wei, aged 19, went to Beijing to take the Jingzhao exam. It was learned in advance that Princess Taiping had ordered the examiner to designate Zhang Jiugao, who was taking the exam together, as the "first place" in this Beijing-Guangzhou exam.
Wang Weiben wanted to win the championship with real talent and learning. He was deeply disturbed when he learned about it. At that time, Wang Wei was already a famous poet, making extensive friends with literati and some dignitaries. He came to the palace of Qi and told the king of Qi about it.
Ask Wang Qi to persuade the princess to change her mind. Wang Qi asked Wang Weixian to select excellent works from previous poems, adapt them into volumes, and then write a new pipa. A few days later, Wang Wei came to the palace. The King of Qi changed him into gorgeous clothes.
Take him to Princess Taiping's residence. The princess gave a banquet in honor of Wang Qi and arranged music and dance to entertain him. At this time, the King of Qi asked Wang Wei to pass in, and Wang Weixian presented a new self-composed song "Yu Lun Bao". The princess listened and praised it.
Wang Qi also presented Wang Wei's copied poems in advance, and the princess read them, which was another surprise. Because these poems are recited by Princess Taiping every day, I thought they were all masterpieces of the ancients, but I didn't expect them to be written by Wang Wei.
The king of qi said to the princess, "if you get this life, you will be called the elite of the country." Hearing this, the princess quickly asked why she was not allowed to take the job. Wang Qi replied: "I can't recommend the first place in my life, so I don't want to take the exam."
It is rumored that your adult has instructed Jingzhao examiner to propose the title of Zhang Jiugao. The princess listened and smiled: "where is my arrangement?" It's just entrusted by people. "
Then, he said to Wang Wei, "This time, you are the only one. I should help you. " Wang Wei got up to thank humbly. After Jing Zhao's test, Wang Wei found a solution and won the first prize in one fell swoop. ?
3. Wang Wei's couplets
Legend has it that Wang Wei, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, went to Beijing to catch the exam one year and went to a wilderness with only a small hut at night. Wang Wei knocked on the door. After a long time, a young girl came out to open the door.
Wang Wei told the girl the idea of spending the night. Hearing this, the girl smiled and said, "My father said that guests should check the couplets. If they are right, they can spend the night. If they are not correct, they will not be accepted. "
Hearing this, Wang Wei immediately became interested, agreed, and urged the girl to give the question quickly. The girl chanted: Empty lonely house, lonely house, should I stay in a hotel? Hearing this, Wang Wei felt a little embarrassed because he couldn't think of all the words in this couplet.
He was there thinking hard, and when the girl saw his silence, she said; "A scholar doesn't even deserve couplets. How can he go to Beijing for an exam? " Said and went in and closed the door.
Wang Wei had no choice but to continue his journey in the dark. I don't know the way in the dark, and I'm in an unknown place. what can I do? Wang Wei was in a hurry, so he thought of the second part, so he hurried back and knocked at the door.
The girl was a little surprised to see him when she opened the door, but she heard him finish. This time, Wang Wei swaggered and confidently talked about the next couplet: along the way, he happened to get lost. After listening to this, the girl called Wang Miao again and again, so she welcomed Wang to her home and treated him warmly.
4. stick to integrity?
In the Anshi Rebellion (755-762), An Lushan captured Chang 'an and captured a large number of officials who did not escape, and Wang Wei was one of them. At that time, Wang Wei's official position was not too high, but he was very famous among literati.
In order to win people's hearts, An Lushan tried his best to buy Wang Wei for his own use. He put Wang Wei under house arrest in Pushi Temple, and sent advisers to the temple in turn to persuade Wang Wei. Wang Wei secretly found someone to eat some laxatives outside, trying to muddle through by getting sick. ?
During this period, An Lushan hosted a banquet for his generals in Ningbichi, Luoyang, and let some disciples of the former Liyuan of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty perform. But these disciples in the pear garden were so sad to see the destruction of the country and their families that they had no intention of performing at all.
One of them, Lei Haiqing, slammed his musical instrument on the ground and shouted loudly about the West. In a rage, An Lushan ordered his men to dismember Lei Haiqing's blade. Wang Wei was deeply saddened when he learned of the incident. Seeing this, he wrote a poem "Ningbishi".
Wang Wei later failed to escape the threat of traitors and was forced to be a fake official. However, this poem was widely circulated among the people, and even spread to Su Zong.
After Tang Jun wiped out the rebels, the court severely punished the literati who had been false officials during the rebellion, but Wang Wei was pardoned by the emperor for his poem Ning Bi. ?
5. Wang Wei buys medicine
When Wang Wei was young, he was not only outstanding in literary talent, but also handsome in appearance. Many people came to visit relatives and friends, but he politely refused. Once, he accidentally contracted a minor illness and went to the street to buy medicine. He saw an elegant girl sitting behind the counter of a drugstore. He was surprised and wanted to try his talents.
So he went up to him and asked, "Miss, I forgot my prescription today. I hope everyone will give some advice. " The girl replied, "Do you remember the name of the medicine?" Wang Wei asked, "Buy a banquet, where are the guests?" The girl paused, but immediately smiled: "After drinking, please treat the guests to' Angelica'."
He twisted himself to get the medicine from the medicine cabinet. Wang Wei then asked, "Second, you don't get lost if you buy a night." The girl didn't answer: "I don't lose my farmland at night." Wang Wei continued to ask, "Buy Sister Sunshine Peony." The girl replied, "Sister Peony is red.
In this way, the girl skillfully answered Wang Wei's 10 questions with the names of 10 drugs. Wang Wei was deeply impressed by her talent and admiration. When I got back, I still couldn't calm down, so I began to write poems and told very young people to eat the "prescription" before buying medicine.
Extremely reached the drugstore and handed the prescription to the girl. The girl opened it and saw a mysterious poem: "Unfortunately, there is no inkstone in the study. There are few girls around Golden Boy, and there is no worry about sunny days. "
The girl's choice of words turned out to be "love at first sight" and her cheeks were flushed. She quickly asked extremely, "Who is that son?" Extremely replied: "It's the famous poet Wang Wei!"
The girl just likes the scholar who buys medicine. When she heard that it was Wang Wei, she was even more happy, so she wrote a poem back for the extremely young people to take back. When Wang Wei received the reply, he quickly read it: "On January 1st, they had a party, and they became attached to each other and asked the monk. Seeing the ancient temple deep in the bamboo forest, Yi Gang opened his mouth without trace. "
At first glance, Wang Wei's heart suddenly cooled, but on second thought, he couldn't help laughing. Later, he married this girl, and they played in harmony, echoing each other and admiring others.
Wang Wei, 3 1 year-old, was about to become a father, but God took away the love of his life-his wife died in childbirth. A heart suddenly fell from heaven to hell. His inner sadness is greater than death. He lost his wife in middle age and was old and childless. Wang Wei lived alone for the next 30 years and never got married.