/m? f = ms & ampbaidump3 & ampct= 1342 17728。 Lf = & amprn = & ampc0% C7% B9% B2% Ce% E8+John+Barry & amplm=- 1
Dunhuang in the desert
/m? f = ms & ampbaidump3 & ampct= 1342 17728。 lf = & amprn = & ampC4 % AE % B6 % D8 % BB % CD & amp; lm=- 1
This magnificent land
/s? Cl = 3 & this+majestic+land and. t= 12
ode to the red flag
/m? baidump3 & ampct= 1342 17728。 lm=- 1。 word=%BA%EC%C6%EC%CB%CC
Legend of autumn
/m? f = ms & ampbaidump3 & ampct= 1342 17728。 Lf = & amprn =&'s+Legend+Autumn & amplm=- 1