Please listen to a song in the movie Lord of the Rings: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The lyrics are: use a scope. You turn around. There is nothing more to say. .....

This song is called the Song of Arwen, and the lyrics are written by fran Wales. Howard shore sang liv tyler, which was named after alvin toffler, Liv's role in the film. Not included in the original music.

In the soundtrack of "The Lord of the Rings 3", this song was officially named "The House of Healing".


With a sigh, you turned away.

With the deepening of the heart, there is nothing more to say.

You will find that the world has changed forever.

Trees are changing from green to gold.

The sun is fading.

I wish I could hold you closer.

If you want to get the audio of this song, you can leave a mailbox.