Suitable for theme, heroine, femininity, jade and so on. The beauty of women has always been varied. They can dye rouge, dye their hair, overcome difficulties and make contributions. When he set foot on the earth, Wang Yaping trained day after day. He doesn't want to be tired and is not afraid of suffering. While traveling in space, Wang Yaping gave a live lecture to the children on earth. She is dignified, elegant, calm and friendly. Wang Yaping ignited the enthusiasm of countless children for space. He showed the elegance of contemporary women and interpreted the spirit of China's space flight. His beauty, like the bright starry sky he walked through, is as touching as ever.
The second one, Li, is a tireless behind-the-scenes worker in space.
Suitable for the theme, conscientious and rigorous. Wonderful plays such as praising the behind-the-scenes workers, moving films, gorgeous dances and all fascinating performances in the city are inseparable from the passionate interpretation of the actors in front of the stage and the full support of the workers after the opening ceremony. In the series of performances of China Aerospace, countless technicians worked hard and did their duty, which built a safe stage for China satellites and astronauts to enter space. Just like Li and his team, the deputy chief designer of the core module, they worked hard with a serious and rigorous attitude and provided strong technical support for the spacecraft's space journey.
Third, Ren Xinmin, China space life calendar.
Suitable for the theme, hard work, selfless dedication, patriotism and dedication. People who contribute to their country are like the stars in the sky. They shine day after day for ten years, not only illuminating the present, but also guiding the future. As the guide of China's space industry, Ren Xinmin resolutely returned to the motherland after studying in the United States. With knowledge as the pen and enthusiasm as the purpose, he personally wrote the arduous and solid course of China's space industry. Although the founder of aviation who has been flying satellites all his life has left us, his spirit and attacks will be like immortal stars, forever escorting China's space industry.