I once had a meal at Sanshan Church. The nuns in Jia Ru Church were very considerate and brought a basket of fish. They just caught it in the sea. It was very fresh, so they cooked it to match the meal. When I was a child, a fishbone got stuck in my throat, which was very uncomfortable. Since then, I have hardly eaten fish. I said on the spot that you eat and I don't eat fish. A colleague refused, so he caught a fish and put it in my bowl. Colleagues said, Weng kept saying, eat, you are not afraid of ghosts, but also afraid of eating fish, eating, eating. Thank God, I often lead the team to exorcise ghosts, so my colleagues say so. Then I had no choice but to eat carefully. It happened that the fishbone just got stuck in the throat. My colleague here said, "What a coincidence! And give me advice. At first, I stuffed rice into my mouth. After dinner, the thorn is still there. Then a sister suggested, "Pass on vinegar. There is a saying that vinegar can soften fishbones. After the fishbone is softened, it will easily fall into the stomach, and then it will be excreted after metabolism. "I kept drinking until I finished the whole bottle of vinegar, but the fishbone was still there, and my stomach was turned upside down by vinegar. Just then, I received a phone call and an elder sister called me. My sister asked me, "Missionary, where are you?" I replied, "I'm at Sanshan Church." My sister said, "Great, you should come to Fuqing Rongqiang Hospital as soon as possible. My mother-in-law was hit by a car. Come and pray for me. "Ordinary believers need it, and we will not refuse to preach. We are always preaching and teaching to solve problems. The missionary borrowed an electric car and drove to Rongqiang Hospital. When I arrived at Rongqiang Hospital, I comforted my sisters and prayed for me. After praying, I want to go, because the fishbone is still stuck in my throat, and I have to find a way to get it out. Sister said, "Don't worry, you can preach the gospel to my family when they come. "I dare not refuse, just wait there, without telling my sister that my fishbone is stuck in my throat. When my sister's house comes, I will go and preach the gospel to them. When I left the ward, I vomited one mouthful phlegm, full of blood. I think I have to see a doctor, too. I was walking in the corridor and just about to get into the elevator when a woman's voice came out loudly, "Weng preaches, Weng preaches." I turned around and asked, "Who are you? The woman replied, "I am a believer." I said, "I don't know you. The woman said, you don't know me, I know you, you bald head. I always show my bald head, and I often call myself "bald preacher". Sister said, "I was hit by a car." I said, "Well, I'll pray for you." After praying, I want to go My sister quickly said, "Her husband and son are coming to preach. Give them the gospel when they arrive. " I didn't dare to refuse, so I stayed there and finished the task assigned by my sisters. After the task is completed, I will go out. On the way, I met brother Bao who works as a security guard in the hospital. I made a request to Brother Bao. Can you help me find an otolaryngologist? Brother Bao said, "What's the matter?" I replied, "A fishbone has been stuck in my throat for hours, and now my throat is full of blood." Brother Bao called immediately, and the otolaryngologist said, "I'm off work and I'm not coming." Please come early tomorrow. " I said sadly, "What can I do?" Brother Bao suggested, "You should go to Fuqing Hospital, where you should see it." I went to Fuqing Hospital by bike. When I arrived at the city hospital, I knocked on the door of the male doctor and was scolded half to death by the male doctor. It was midnight and the doctor had fallen asleep. The male doctor said, "Don't look for me, look for a female doctor." I knocked on the woman doctor's door again and was scolded half to death by the woman doctor. I sighed with emotion: "It's really painful to be a patient!" Then, the female doctor pulled out the thorn for me. I was shocked when I looked at the plate. Pull out a thorn and use the 14 instrument. The female doctor holds a piece of white cloth in her hand and grabs my tongue. I asked, "Why are you scratching my tongue?" The female doctor said, "If you don't scratch your tongue, will your mouth open wide?" Then the female doctor can't pull out a thorn in the use of an instrument. The female doctor sighed, "there is no way out. The fishbone is stuck in the capillary and we can only take pictures. " The missionary wondered, "Why do you want to make a movie?" The female doctor said, "Surgery!" I was shocked and asked, "I have to do an operation to pull out the thorn!" " The female doctor said, "Yes, your thorn is stuck in a capillary, so you must have an operation." Two patients died in this hospital, because the fishbone got stuck in the throat, and then there was massive bleeding, and you left. "I asked," how does that work? " The female doctor said, "just cut your throat and clip out the thorn." I thought, "This is not good. Although I am not good-looking, my neck is good-looking. Moreover, the preacher stands on the platform every day, and the first thing believers see when they look up is their necks. Cut your neck and leave a scar. It will be ugly if you die. Everyone has a heart for beauty. " "But your ugly face looks good when you smile. I asked, "Doctor, how much is the filming?" The doctor said, "More than one hundred. I opened my wallet. It's over. There is only 40 yuan left! Seeing this, the doctor scolded, "You dead old man, you don't want to die if you want money. The doctor brushed the brush, wrote a list and said, "Come to me with enough money at six tomorrow morning. I'll operate on you as soon as you arrive! "See if your life is big tonight, can you survive?"
I went home like this, and the fishbone was still in my throat, which hurt terribly. At that time, just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, there was a moon cake on the coffee table. Tomorrow is the sermon and training in Yu Jia pastoral area. It's too late to cancel now. I thought, "No, I have to focus on the Lord Jesus. I have preached for many years and told my friends to have confidence, and miracles will happen. But now that you are a missionary, you can't handle two thorns. This doesn't make sense. " I started talking to the Lord Jesus about terminology. Lord, I need you most now. I will eat that moon cake later. I can finish it in three bites. After I stutter three times, this thorn must go down, or I won't preach, I won't preach. After the sermon, he said with emotion that sometimes he had no choice but to threaten the Lord. The missionary took the first bite of the moon cake, but his tongue shrank in and the thorn was still there. Take a second bite, stick your tongue in, the sting is still there! It's over. The preacher is afraid. What should I do? There's only one last bite left. If I can't stab, should I really not preach? You really don't want to preach? It was the hardest time in my spiritual career, and I had to eat my last bite, whether I was alive or dead. After eating the last bite of moon cakes, the missionary drank a little water, then gargled and spat out the moon cakes in his hand. Those two thorns are in the moon cake! Because a missionary once interviewed a witness, an elder sister got a fishbone stuck in her throat. Sister just drinks water and gargles, then spits the water in her mouth on her hands, and the thorn comes out like this. Weng kept saying a false alarm. It seems that the Lord Jesus is still so negotiable! Since then, missionaries have gained great confidence. Even the doctor said that he would operate on two thorns in the capillary, but he was preached and prayed. Can his confidence not be greatly increased? Since then, missionaries have dared to eat fish. The preacher said, so let's not feel that the Lord is cold, as if he doesn't listen to our prayers. In fact, our Lord is very kind. When you really need his help, he will certainly help. As the hymn goes, "Father will take care of you, always take care of you, wherever you are, he will take care of you, and Father will take care of you". Later, Mu Daoyou asked the preacher, Can the Lord Jesus help me solve this problem and my illness? The preacher will answer everything, and I will pray for you. On another occasion, a missionary rode an electric car to attend a family sermon. Unexpectedly, the electric car broke down halfway. The sisters who were listening together had arrived, but when Weng preached, they called to ask. After asking, they realized that the preacher had not arrived yet because there was something wrong with the electric car. Sister said, Chuanwen, you must find a way to come here quickly! It's about to start! The preacher said, okay, okay, I'll think of something. what can I do? I can only pray. The preacher prayed, God, please come down quickly and fix the electric car. I want to preach, preach the gospel and save the soul. How did the electric car break down like this? Please repair the electric car quickly! It's amazing. After preaching and praying, the electric car will move. We all know that there is magic, but there is no "human miracle" or "ghost miracle", because only behind God will wonderful things happen.