You must first understand the meaning of the Eucharist before you know what to say. The Eucharist was set up for Jesus' disciples before he was crucified. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1 1: I gave it to you that day, but I received it from the Lord. On the night when the Lord Jesus was sold, I took the bread and thanked him. Then I broke it and said, "This is my body, born for you. You should do this in memory of me. " After dinner, I also picked up the cup and said, "This cup is a new covenant made with my blood. Do this whenever you drink to commemorate me. " Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. (Sections 23-26)
The Eucharist is to commemorate the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. We should eat the Lord's bread and drink the Lord's cup according to law, or we will be guilty of the Lord's body and blood. The bread represents the body of the Lord, and the cup represents the blood of the Lord. Before eating and drinking, pray in the name of Jesus, that is, speak to God, praise and worship the Trinity God, examine where you have sinned against God, ask the precious blood of the Lord to wash yourself again, and hope that the Lord Jesus will come again soon. Then eat the Eucharist.