Yi Zhihu said to Zheng Bo: "The country is in danger. If Zhu Zhiwu is sent to see the Lord of Qin, the army will retreat." The Duke followed. The speech said: "The strength of the minister is not as good as that of others; now he is old and can do nothing." The Duke said: "I could not use the son earlier, and now I am anxious to ask for the son. It is the fault of me. However, when Zheng died, the son There are also disadvantages!" Xu Zhi. Explanation: Yi Zhihu said to Zheng Wengong: "The country is in danger. If Zhu Zhiwu is sent to see Qin Mugong, Qin's army will definitely retreat." Zheng Wengong agreed. Zhu Zhiwu declined and said: "When I was in my prime, I was not as good as others; now that I am old, I can't do anything." Zheng Wengong said: "I didn't use you early. Now because the situation is critical, I ask you. This is my It's your fault. However, the destruction of Zheng State is not good for you!" Zhu Zhiwu agreed to this matter. The name of the poem: "Zhu Zhiwu retreats the Qin army". Real name: Zuo Qiuming. Era: Pre-Qin. Birthplace: Junzhuang, the capital of the State of Lu (now Feicheng, Shandong). Main works: "The Debate on Cao GUI", "Zhu Zhiwu Retreats the Qin Army", "Zheng Burke Duan Yu Yan/Doing More Unrighteousness Will Destroy Yourself", "Confrontation between Zhou and Zheng", "Shi_Admonishing Favoring Zhouxu", etc. Main achievements: authored the chronological history book "Zuo Zhuan" and China's first national style history book "Guoyu". Belief: Confucianism.
We provide you with a detailed introduction to "Zhu Zhiwu Retreats the Qin Master" from the following aspects:
1. Click here to view the full text of "Zhu Zhiwu Retreats the Qin Master" The details of "Retreating the Qin Army with Force"
The Marquis of Jin and the Bo of Qin besieged Zheng, because they were rude to Jin, and they were also to Chu. Jin Army Hanling,
Qin Army_South. Yi Zhihu said to Zheng Bo: "The country is in danger. If Zhu Zhiwu is sent to see the Lord of Qin, the army will retreat." Duke followed.
The words said: "I am so strong,
I am not as good as others; now I am old,
I can't do anything." The public said:
"I couldn't have used my son earlier, and now I am in a hurry to ask for a son.
It is my fault. However, Zheng died,
The son is also at a disadvantage!" Xu Zhi .
I came out at night and saw Uncle Qin.
He said: "Qin and Jin are surrounding Zheng.
Zheng already knows that he will be destroyed. It would be beneficial to Zheng if he were destroyed. Your Majesty,
You dare to bother the deacons.
You know the difficulties, so why should you sacrifice Zheng to accompany your neighbors? Thick, you are thin.
If you leave Zheng as your host, your luggage will come and go.
If you are tired, there will be no harm to you.
And the king has given it to the king of Jin, and promised him to be anxious and flawless.
I set up the edition at the end of the day, and the king knows it.
How can I hate it? Yes?
We want to seize Zheng in the east and want to seize it in the west.
How can we seize Qin to benefit Jin if we do not quell Qin? , Only the king wants to do it.
" Qin Bo said that he would make an alliance with the Zheng people.
He sent Qi Zi, Feng Sun, and Yang Sun to garrison it and then return it.
Prisoner, please attack him. The public said:
"No. Mrs. Wei's power is beyond this.
It is unkind to destroy a person because of his own strength;
To lose what one has given is to lose one's knowledge. ;
It is easy to rectify chaos without using force.
I will return it."
2. Other poems by Zuo Qiu Ming
"On the Battle of Cao GUI", "Uncle Jian Cries for the Master", "Zhu Zhiwu Retreats the Qin Master", "Zheng Bo Duan Yu Yan/Many Unjust Conducts" "You will definitely kill yourself", "Zhou Zheng cross-examined". 3. Notes
Marquis of Jin and Bo of Qin: refer to Duke Wen of Jin and Duke Mu of Qin.
For being rude to Jin: It refers to the fact that when Duke Wen of Jin went into exile and passed through Zheng State before he came to the throne, he was not treated with due courtesy. To put it another way, Yu Jin is rude. To, because, conjunction. The pronoun "it" refers to Zheng Guo. For, for.
Qi Er Yu Chu: And subordinate to Jin and subordinate to Chu at the same time. And, and, the table progresses. Two, subordinate to the two masters. Yu, yes, preposition.
Hanling of the Jin Army: The Jin Army was stationed in Hanling. Army, noun as verb, garrison. Hanling, the place name of Zheng State, is located in the north of Xinzheng, Henan Province.
_South: _The south of the water also belongs to the land of Zheng. (Note from the ancient Chinese dictionary, _ as the name of water is pronounced as the second tone. Doctor Zheng.
Ruo: if.
Shi: send.
Jian: Pay a visit to Jin.
Conform: Obey.
Chen Zhizhi: When I am in my prime. p>Yu: Still.
Can't do anything anymore. For, to do. Already, the modal word "矣", used: to appoint. /p>
It’s my fault. Yes, this is my fault.
Xu Zhi: Yes. Promise, promise.
Tie a person (or thing) with a rope and transport it from top to bottom.
Dare to. Deacon: Taking the liberty to trouble your subordinates with the matter of Zheng's death. This is a polite way of saying "deacon", a respectful term for the person who performs the task.
: Over.
Yan: He.
Use: preposition to express the reason. .
Neighbour: neighboring country, refers to the state of Jin.
The strength of your neighbor means the weakness of your ruler: when the power of your neighbor becomes stronger, the power of Qin will be relatively weakened.
Indeed: The independence of the sentence between subject and predicate is cancelled. Thick, strong. If you give up the siege of Zheng and treat it as a host on the eastern road (to entertain passers-by). Give up (Wai Zheng). Different meanings in ancient and modern times, a person who is on a mission. Supply them with what they lack. ***, through "supply", supply.
It: refers to the messenger. once. give. grace. Show favor. (Dong Hui of Jin) promises to give you the cities of Jiao and Xia. Cross the river. Build fortifications. Plywood for building earthen walls. in the morning. Through "satisfaction", contentment. Let Zheng become the border of Jin in the east. Seal, boundary. Verb in action here. Expand its western boundary. It means that after the Jin State destroys Zheng, it will definitely plot against the Qin State. To extend, to expand. boundaries. To infringe, to reduce. Make an alliance.
Garrison: guard.
Also: Withdraw troops and return home. It is clearly marked as the "que" sound in the ancient Chinese dictionary, and benevolence sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom. "Shuo" is the same as "Yue", which means to like and be happy.
Wei: No.
Madam: The far-referring pronoun, that person, refers to Duke Mu of Qin.
It is unkind to destroy something due to human strength: It is unkind to rely on the strength of others and then come back to harm them. rely on. Damage, damage. To make friends with, to be intimate with.
Zhi: pass "wisdom".
Using chaos to rectify the situation is not a matter of force: using chaos to attack each other instead of unity is inconsistent with martial ethics. Easy, substitute. Wu means that the use of force is a moral code that should be observed. Not being martial is not in line with martial ethics. Whole means consistent pace.
I’ll return it: let’s go back. Its tone expresses discussion or hope, or.
Go away: leave the state of Zheng. It refers to the state of Zheng.
4. Translation
The Marquis of Jin and the Bo of Qin besieged Zheng, because they were rude to Jin and also to Chu. Jin army Hanling, Qin army _ South.
In the 30th year of Duke Xi's reign, Duke Wen of Jin and Duke Mu of Qin jointly besieged Zheng because Zheng had been rude to Duke Wen of Jin and was subordinate to both Jin and Chu. The Jin army was stationed in Hanling, and the Qin army was stationed south of the Yangtze River.
Yi Zhihu said to Zheng Bo: "The country is in danger. If Zhu Zhiwu is sent to see the Lord of Qin, the army will retreat." The duke followed. The speech said: "The strength of the minister is not as good as that of others; now he is old and can do nothing." The Duke said: "I could not use the son earlier, and now I am anxious to ask for the son. It is the fault of me. However, when Zheng died, the son There are also disadvantages!" Xu Zhi.
Yi Zhihu said to Zheng Wengong: "The country is in danger. If Zhu Zhiwu is sent to see Qin Mugong, Qin's army will definitely retreat." Zheng Wengong agreed. Zhu Zhiwu declined and said: "When I was in my prime, I was not as good as others; now that I am old, I can't do anything." Zheng Wengong said: "I didn't use you early. Now because the situation is critical, I ask you. This is my It's your fault. However, the destruction of Zheng State is not good for you!" Zhu Zhiwu agreed to this matter.
I went out at night and saw the uncle of Qin, saying: "Qin and Jin surrounded Zheng, and Zheng knew that he was dead. If Zheng's death would be beneficial to you, you dare to bother the deacon. If the country of Yue is too disdainful to be far away, you will die." Knowing how difficult it is, how can you use Zheng to accompany your neighbors? If your neighbors are kind, your ruler will be weak. The king has given it to you, and you will be able to do it in the morning and in the evening. How can you be so disgusted with the Jin Dynasty? If you want to enclose Zheng in the east and want to enclose it in the west, if you don't miss Qin, you will be defeated. How can we take it? Qin is in order to benefit Jin, but the emperor wants to take it." Qin Bo said that he would make an alliance with the Zheng people. He sent Qizi, Fengsun, and Yangsun to garrison it, and then returned it.
At night, someone used a rope to lower Zhu Zhiwu from the tower. When he saw Duke Mu of Qin, Zhu Zhiwu said: "Qin and Jin are besieging the State of Zheng, and the State of Zheng already knows that it is going to perish. If It is good for you to destroy Zheng State. How dare I bother you with this matter? However, you know that it is difficult to cross other countries and regard Zheng State as the eastern border of Qin State. Why do you want to destroy Zheng State? How about adding land to the neighboring country? If the neighboring country becomes stronger, your power of Qin will be relatively weakened. If you give up the siege of Zheng State and treat it as a host and envoy on the east road. Coming and going, Zheng Guo can provide them with what they lack at any time, and there is no harm to you. Moreover, you have given favors to Duke Hui of Jin, and Duke Hui has promised to give you two cities, Jiao and Xia. However, Duke Hui crossed the Yellow River in the morning. Return to the country and build a city for defense at night. This is what you know. How can Jin be satisfied? Now that it has made Zheng its border in the east, it wants to expand its border to the west. If the Qin State loses its land, where can it go to seize the land? It will be beneficial to the Jin State to weaken the Qin State. I hope you will consider this matter more!" Qin Bo was very happy and signed an alliance with the Zheng State. He sent Qi Zi, Feng Sun, and Yang Sun to guard Zheng, and Uncle Qin returned home.
Prisoner, please attack him. The Duke said: "No. Mrs. Wei's power is not as good as this. It is unkind to destroy people because of their strength; it is unkind to lose what they have given; it is not necessary to use force to rectify chaos. I will return it." He also left.
Zifu, a senior official in Jin State, requested to send troops to attack the Qin army. Duke Wen of Jin said: "No! If it weren't for the strength of the king of Qin, I wouldn't be where I am today. It is unkind to rely on others' strength and harm them in turn; it is unwise to lose one's allies; It is not in line with martial ethics to use chaos to fight against unity. Let's go back!" The Jin army then left Zheng.
5. Appreciation
"Zhu Zhiwu retreated from the Qin army" can be found in "Zuo Zhuan".
"Zuo Zhuan", also known as "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu" and "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu Zhuan", is a chronological history book with a complete narrative in ancient China. "Zuo Zhuan" is good at narrative, good at describing wars and recording pedestrians' speech. With his keen observation, profound understanding and high literary accomplishment, the author has made profound and vivid descriptions of many historical events, large and small, with vivid images and beautiful language, which has become a model of prose in the past dynasties.
The first paragraph creates a tense atmosphere at the beginning: the two great powers of Qin and Jin unite to besiege the State of Zheng, and the war is imminent, paving the way for Zhu Zhiwu to be ordered to be in danger later. And two foreshadowings were laid: Zheng was rude to Jin and had nothing to do with Qin; Jin and Qin were not in the same place.
The second paragraph writes that Zhu Zhiwu was ordered to face danger. Under Zheng Bo's sincere and thorough analysis, he put aside his personal sentiments and interests and took on the important task related to the life and death of the country, reflecting Zhu Zhiwu's profound sense of justice. Among them, Yi Zhihu Juxian and Zhu Zhiwu first "ci" and then "xu", and their writing is ups and downs, which is quite dramatic.
The third paragraph is the main body of the full text and the key to retreating from the Qin army. It is divided into four levels: first, Zhu Zhiwu spoke from the standpoint of Qin, which aroused the other party's favor; second, it explained that destroying Zheng was only beneficial to Jin, and "destroying Zheng", "accompanying neighbors", and "giving up Zheng" are all It is harmful to Qin but not beneficial; the third is to state that preserving Zheng is good for Qin; the fourth is to revisit the historical relationship between Qin and Jin and touch the hatred of Qin Bo, explaining that Jin crossed the river and demolished the bridge, was ungrateful, and Analyzing the Jin State's insatiable greed, it will inevitably "quench Qin" in the future. Zhu Zhiwu's words about Qin were chilling and had shocking logical power. This made Duke Mu of Qin realize that Jin's strength would endanger Qin, so he entered into an alliance with Zheng and even helped Zheng.
The fourth paragraph describes the evacuation of the Jin army from the state of Zheng, and also reflects the political foresight of the overlord Jin Wengong. This paragraph of text is relaxed and relaxed again and again. First, "The prisoner please attack him", which makes the atmosphere suddenly and tense; Wen Gong "can't do it", and then relaxes; it is not until "I also go away" that the reader's heart is at ease.
This article praises Zhu Zhiwu for being able to accept orders when the country is in danger, not avoiding danger, and going to persuade Qin Jun alone, which safeguards national security. It also reflects the patriotic spirit of the Spring and Autumn Period. The complexity of the struggles between the various princely states in the era.
6. Background
The story background of this article is the siege of Zheng by Qin and Jin, which happened during the Sino-Japanese War in September 630 BC (the 30th year of Duke Xi of Lu). Qin and Jin jointly attacked Zheng. The state of Zheng was in danger, and Duke Wen of Zheng sent the eloquent Zhu Zhiwu to persuade Uncle Qin. Zhu Zhiwu skillfully evoked Duke Mu of Qin's memory of the contradiction between Qin and Jin, analyzed the situation at that time to Uncle Qin, and explained the reason why preserving Zheng was beneficial to Qin and destroying Zheng was detrimental to Qin, and finally convinced him Uncle Qin.
Poems of the same dynasty
"Song of Picking Wei", "The First Month of the Spring King", "Song People and Chu People Ping", "Wuzi Envoys Come to Appoint", "Yu" "Shi Jin Shi destroyed Xia Yang", "Zheng Beke Duan Yu Yan", "Zeng Shen Cooked Pigs", "Zhizi Suspicious Neighbors", "Shi Kuang Collision with Jin Ping Gong", "Indiscriminate use of Yu to fill the number".
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