Qu Yuan, who was once released, swam in the river beach and sang on the bank of Zehe River, with a haggard color and a haggard description. When the fisherman saw this, he asked, "Isn't this son Dr. San Lv's?" Why? " Qu Yuan said, "The world is cloudy, and I am alone. Everyone is drunk, I wake up alone, I can see. "
The fisherman said, "A saint is not obsessed with things, but can keep pace with the times. The world is muddy, why not spit its mud and make waves? Everyone is drunk, why not feed the bad ones? Why think deeply and hold high, and let yourself become? "
Qu yuan said: "I heard that the new bather plays the crown and the new bather shakes his clothes;" Ann can observe with her own body, but what about the person who collects things? I'd rather go to Xiangliu and be buried in the belly of a river fish. Can Ann be white and covered with secular dust? "
The fisherman walked away with a smile.
Brother Nai said, "The water in the surging waves is clear, which can lead me to tassel;" The water in the rough waves is turbid and can lick my feet. "Then go, no longer use words.
Qu Yuan was exiled to Yuanjiang. He walked along the river, singing and looking haggard and thin. When the fisherman saw it, he asked him, "Aren't you Dr. San Lv? Why did this happen? " Qu Yuan said: "The whole world is turbid, only I am clear and transparent, and the whole world is intoxicated, but I am sober, so I am exiled."
The fisherman said, "The sage is not rigid in treating things, but can change with the world. People in the world are dirty. Why not stir up muddy water and raise muddy waves? Everyone was intoxicated. Why not eat distiller's grains and drink their wine? Why think too deeply and pretend to be lofty? So I ended up in exile? "
Qu Yuan said: "I heard that I will play with my hat just after washing my hair;" Be sure to shake your clothes just after taking a shower. How can an innocent body be exposed to the pollution of secular dust? I'd rather jump into Xiangjiang River and be buried in the belly of a river fish. How can crystal purity be covered with secular dust? "
Hearing this, the fisherman smiled, shook his paddle and set off. Singing: "the turbulent water is crystal clear and can be used to wash my hat tassels;" The water in the rough waves is muddy. It can be used to wash feet. " He left and stopped talking to Qu Yuan.