Mang's flies are covered with silk. When bandits come to trade silk, they come to seek for me. Sending a child involves Qi, as for Dunqiu. During the qiān period, my son had no good media. Will (qiāng) son without anger, autumn for a period. Take a ride on the wall in guǐ, hoping to return to the customs. I didn't see the resumption of customs, and I cried. Seeing the resumption of GATT, I was full of laughter and words. Er buer (shi), the body without blame. Come with your car and bribe me to move. Mulberry leaves flourish before it falls. In (xū) ? (jiē), there is no mulberry. I'm a girl, and I don't have to worry about it. The scholar's anxiety can still be said (tu not); You can't say that a woman is worried! When the mulberry falls, it is yellow and falling. Self-obsessed (cú), poor at the age of three. Qi Shui Tang (shāng) Tang, gradually (jiān) Che Wei Shang (cháng). Women are also unhappy, and scholars do their best. Scholars are also extremely useless, and their virtues are two or three. Being a woman at the age of three is exhausting. Stay awake all night, and there will be a dynasty. What is said is done, but as for violence. My brother doesn't know, so he laughs. If you think about it quietly, you will bow and mourn yourself. Being old together always makes me complain. Qi has a shore, while Xi has a pan. The banquet of the general angle, talking and laughing. Swear, don't think about it. On the contrary, I don't think about it, and I am already embarrassed!
this is a narrative poem. The author uses the first person "I" to narrate, and adopts recollection and contrast. The poem tells the story of a young girl who was pursued by a young man and finally got married. Although she was willing to work hard for many years, she was finally abandoned by her husband and returned home. According to the development of the story, the whole poem can be divided into three stages: love (the first and second chapters), marriage change (the third, fourth and fifth chapters) and rejection (the sixth chapter). The first and second chapters trace back to life in love. When he came to propose marriage, he wore a sincere face and played a cute little trick. On the surface, he was holding a cloth in exchange for silk. In fact, he came to discuss marriage with me, but he came in a hurry and didn't even find a matchmaker. I sent him through Qi Shui until Dunqiu, and made an appointment to tie the knot in autumn. How touching and infatuated I am at this time! Since then, "I" has been deeply lost in acacia, "not seeing the resumption of GATT, weeping and weeping, seeing the resumption of GATT, smiling and talking", which fully shows the innocence and enthusiasm of "I", while "bribing me to move" shows the kindness and simplicity of "I". At this time, love reached its climax and joy reached its peak. However, looking at the whole poem, this is also the starting point of women's misfortune. When I was in love, I had too many beautiful dreams and too many sweet and bitter joys. The man's "anger" and a little trick played by him in love also set a small foreshadowing for the man's change of heart behind him. The third, fourth and fifth chapters trace back to married life. After marriage, "I" endured years of poverty, worked hard at housework, regardless of day and night, regardless of today and Ming Dynasty, and asked myself "there is no deviation in women's behavior". Just because my appearance is getting older, I "still go home". Self-protection, before and after marriage also form a sharp contrast. From the "self-protection" to the "violence" in which selfish desires are satisfied, and even the "behavior of a scholar" in the future, it strongly shows the violent and ungrateful character of men. "In picked female xi, no and delay! It's fair to say that scholars are worried. You can't say that you are a woman. " "Women are not happy, and the second line. Scholars are also extremely useless, and their virtues are two or three. " This long cry-like call sign is not only a painful lesson that "I" learned from years of marriage life, but also the main theme of the whole poem, which fully shows "I"' s deep regret for the past love that is gone forever and strong indignation against the ungrateful people. In the fifth chapter, "I don't know my brother, but I'm laughing" is what I imagined when I was sent home, which contained endless sadness and sorrow. This part mainly adopts the method of comparison. The contrast between Mulberry Leaf Waro and Huang Wei not only implies that the heroine's appearance changes from youth to senility, but also symbolizes that their love changes from prosperity to decline. At the same time, it also implies that "scholar" has changed from "vow" to "scholar's behavior". The "Xing" in this part has the characteristics of "Bi", which is more artistic than the simple "Xing" or "Bi". The sixth chapter continues the lament of "thinking in silence, bowing and mourning" above, and once again recalls the scene of having fun and laughing together when I was young. The vows of eternal love in the past are still vivid in my mind, but I never thought that I had become a stranger. In this case, why bother to remember? "On the contrary, I don't think about it, but I'm too embarrassed", which fully shows my sobriety and fortitude, self-regret without self-injury, and determination without nostalgia, which shows the strong desire of working women in ancient China to pursue marriage autonomy and happy life.