Answer: The gold refined in the fire refers to faith, the white garment refers to a person’s righteous deeds, and the eye salve refers to the way of truth.
Revelation 3:18 I urge you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so that you may become rich. And buy white clothes and put them on so that the shame of your nakedness is not exposed. I also buy eye drops and rub them on your eyes so that you can see.
James 5:8 You also must be patient and strengthen your hearts. Because the coming of the Lord is near. 1 Peter 5:9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, knowing that all your brothers throughout the world also undergo similar sufferings. 1 Peter 5:10 The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself perfect, strengthen, and strengthen you.
Colossians 2:2 That their hearts may be comforted, and that they may be united together in love, so that they may have full understanding and full confidence in the knowledge of the mystery of God, which is Christ.
Revelation 19:8 And it was given to him to clothe himself in fine linen, bright and white; the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.
Acts 28:27 For this people’s heart is clouded with oil, their ears are dull, and their eyes are closed. Lest their eyes see, and their ears hear, and their hearts understand, and they turn around, and I heal them.