After that, the spy asked, "Where's Wang Wei?" The Xiongnu messenger replied: "Wang Wei is very elegant; However, grabbing a knife by the bed is a hero. " Wei Wu heard about it and came to the envoy.
Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, is going to meet the envoys of Xiongnu. He thought his appearance was not good enough to impress distant countries, so he ordered Twiggy to dress up as himself to receive them, while Emperor Wu stood beside his seat with a knife. After the interview, he ordered the spy to ask the envoy from Xiongnu: "Where is Wang Wei?" The Xiongnu messenger replied: "Wang Wei is elegant and extraordinary; But the man standing next to the seat with a knife is a hero. "
When Cao Cao heard about it, he sent someone to chase it and killed the messenger. In cutting Hu, I wanted to cut Hu, so I hosted my wife Hu Jun first.
Because I asked the ministers,' I want to fight, who can cut it?' The doctor Guan said to him, "Hu Kefa." Wu Gong was furious and slaughtered it, saying,' Hu, the country of brothers is also.
Yan Zi was cut off, why? When I heard about it, I took Zheng as my own relative and was unprepared for Zheng. Zheng people attack Hu and take it.
Once upon a time, Zheng Wugong wanted to attack Hu, but in order to please him, he married his daughter to Hu Guojun. He asked his ministers, "I want to fight, who can I attack?" Guan Dui said, "You can attack the state of Hu.
Angry, he killed him and said, "Hu is our brother's country." What do you mean by attacking it? When Hu Guojun heard this, he thought that Zheng Guojun was his relative, and he was not prepared. Zheng took the opportunity to attack Hu and occupy it. " Biography of Slugs is good for bugs.
When something happens, you need to bear it, and you will bear it first. The heavier the back, the more sleepy it is.
His back is so astringent that things can't come apart and he can't get up. People may pity it to get rid of it.
If you can do it, stick to it. Good, high and powerful.
People who fall to the ground and die are addicted to taking drugs. In this world, they don't avoid commodities to enrich their rooms.
I don't know if I'm tired for myself, so as not to accumulate. Even if you are lazy, you will be abandoned, and if you migrate, you will get sick.
If you can afford it, but you don't like it, you will respect your position and get a lot of money, but you will be insatiable, so that you will be close to danger and you will not know how to quit before you die. Although its shape is big, its name is also named, and wisdom is a bug.
It's enough to mourn your husband! People who are addicted to taking in this world don't avoid goods to enrich their rooms. I don't know if I'm tired for myself, so as not to accumulate.
Even if you are lazy, you will be abandoned, and if you migrate, you will get sick. If you can afford it, but you don't like it, you will respect your position and get a lot of money, but you will be insatiable, so that you will be close to danger and you will not know how to quit before you die.
Although its shape is big, its name is also named, and wisdom is a bug. It's enough to mourn your husband! Slugs are insects that like to carry things on their backs.
When you meet something while crawling, you always grab it and lift your head to carry it. Things are getting heavier and heavier, even if they are tired.
Its back is not smooth, things will not come apart when piled up, and finally it is overwhelmed and cannot get up. Some people pity it and take things from its back.
But if slugs can crawl, they will scratch things on their backs as before. The bug liked to climb high again, and refused to stop with all his strength, so that he fell to the ground and died.
Now those insatiable people in the world take a handful of money when they see it and use it to fill their own property. They don't know that wealth and commodities have become their own burdens, but they are afraid that the accumulation of wealth is not enough. When they collapsed due to negligence, some were dismissed from office, and some were exiled to remote areas, which was considered as suffering.
If they are used, they don't think about repentance. They think about improving their status and increasing their wages every day. They are insatiable and almost fall to their death. They see those who commit suicide because they are desperately corrupt officials, and they don't know how to learn from them. Even though they look huge in appearance and their names are people, their knowledge is the same as that of slugs. What a pity! Sima Wengong, the original text of sima guang studious, remembered to ask if he was a human being when he was a child, and lived in groups to give lectures. All the brothers began to sing and swim. You can recite it twice if you are alone.
Those who work harder will go further, and what they recite will be unforgettable for life. Wen Gong once said: "A book must be memorized, or when you are at once, or when you don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you can get more by memorizing its words and thinking about its meaning.
When Sima Guang was a child, he was worried that his ability to recite poetry books was not as good as others. Everyone studied and discussed together, and the other brothers had already finished reciting, so they went to play and have a rest; (Sima Guang) A person studies hard, concentrating and studying hard as Dong Zhongshu and Confucius did when they were studying, until they can recite skillfully. There is more energy in reading now, and the gains will be long-term. The books he intensively reads and recites will be unforgettable for life.
Sima Guang once said: "You can't read without reciting. When you are riding and walking, when you can't sleep in the middle of the night, recite the article you have read and think about its meaning, and you will gain more! " "Chen Ya Rejects Thieves" Original: Chen Ya's word Zhonggong, Yingchuan Ren Xu also. Out of the single micro, less for the county magistrate, often for the servant, and then for the assistant of the pavilion.
And studious, sitting and reading. County magistrate Deng Shao tried to talk in language, which surprised him and made him listen to the business.
Later, he was recalled as an official, but he avoided hiding in Yangcheng Mountain. Sometimes there are murderers, and Yang Li of the same county suspects that the county will seize the Ministry again, test it without foundation, and then draw a conclusion.
For Du You, it is a secret promise of Li called Yang Li. People who have heard it far and near are impressed.
Then remove the length of Qiu. Xiu De is quiet and people live in peace.
Those who have joined families in neighboring counties will be instructed and explained, and all orders will be sent to the official department of the company. Officials are worried about going to court, and it is useless to ban them.
He said, "If the lawsuit is straight, what is the reason for prohibition? Should not be detained. " The official sighed and said, "If what Chen Jun said is true, do you have any complaints?" No lawsuit.
And then arrested party member, even worse. There are still many people who run away to get away with it, saying, "If I don't go to prison, there is nothing to rely on."
This is a question of asking for imprisonment. Forgive me.
At the beginning of Emperor Ling, General Dou Wu became a vassal. In the Middle Ages, Zhang Jean was always in charge of the world.
Let my father die and be buried in Yingchuan. Although a county has been built, it is a shame for those who have no place to go. Later, it was embarrassing to punish party member, so many things were lost.
When you are in the countryside, you can calm your heart. It has disputes and needs correct judgment, knowing the right and wrong, and retreating those who have no complaints.
So I sighed, "It's better to punish Chen Jun than to lack him." At that time, the people were frugal, and thieves entered his room at night and stopped at Liang.
2. The stunt usage of all classical Chinese in junior high school requires nine classical Chinese.
① Disconnect, disconnect. "Lingshu Forbidden Service": "If it is near, it will be abolished, and if it is long, it will be simple." ② Blockage. "Lingshu Guan Zhen": "Don't stab the shallow pulse, but stab it according to the pulse." 3 kerb. Su Wenbaoming's Holographic Theory: "Gold lacks fire, and water comes from soil." 4 cut off. Su Wenping's Theory of Human Meteorology: "If an old friend refuses Shui Gu, he will die." ⑤ Tired. Su Wen Nu Tian: "Yin and Yang are separated and refined." 6. Stop. On the alternation of Qi and Qi: "Those who stop rushing to Yang will die." ⑦ There are no obstacles. On the Theory of Excess and Deficiency: "All the five internal organs are closed, and the pulse channels are impassable." 8 decline, loss. "Lingshu Jing": "When the six Yang Qi are exhausted, Yin and Yang are separated." Pet-name ruby, extremely. Su Wen's Theory of Yin and Yang: "Make a new moon when the yin is exhausted." Attending extinction and death. Preface to Elegant Collection: "Ouyang was very self-interested in the past."
3. Seven translations of the classical Chinese "Three Gorges" are 700 miles away from the Three Gorges, with mountains on both sides and no gaps; Rocks piled up and covered the sky, so I couldn't see the moon rising at midnight from the pavilion.
As for launching Xiangling, it is along the back block. Or the king ordered an emergency notice, sometimes going to Baidicheng and going to Jiangling at dusk. During this period, he traveled 200 miles, although he was not ill.
In spring and winter, the green pool is choppy and the reflection is clear, with many cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls flying in it. Rong Qing Junmao, it's fun.
At the beginning of every sunny day, the frost shines, the forest is cold and sad, and there are often high apes whistling, which leads to sadness, the empty valley echoes, and the sadness turns to leisurely. So the fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge of the Three Gorges in Badong is long, and the apes cry three times!" 1. Explain the words added in the following sentences.
(1) Although riding against the wind (driving) (2) Lin Hanjian Su (silence) (3) It is a sad phenomenon (continuous extension) (4) It is not a disease (feeling fast) (5) As for Xiashui Xiangling (overflowing) (6) Flying gargle (washing) (7) It is impossible. Stop along the back (downstream) (9) There are three cries (number) on the ape skirt (10), and sometimes worship the white emperor (at this time) (1 1) and clear the reflection (swaying waves) (12). ① Since the pavilion night, the ancient meaning: if today's meaning: since ② or the king's order urgently announces the ancient meaning: sometimes today's meaning: or ③ despite riding the wind, I am not ill.
Ancient meaning: even today's meaning: although 3. Interchangeable word: slightly missing (same as "missing" interruption) 4. The polysemy of words ranges from the Three Gorges 700 Li (preposition, from, in) to midnight non-pavilion (adverb, if) and stops (breaks) strange cypress (adjective, extreme, most) along the back. (1) Duoqibai, hanging springs and waterfalls, flying in the meantime.
On the extremely high peaks, there are many strange cypress trees, and between the peaks, there are often hanging springs and waterfalls, swaying. (2) heavy stones cover the sun.
I haven't seen the rising moon since midnight in the pavilion. Layers of cliffs, row upon row, cover the sky.
If it weren't for noon and midnight, even the sun and the moon couldn't be seen. (3) Or the king ordered an emergency announcement, sometimes going to Baidicheng and going to Jiangling at dusk. Although I didn't take the wind to get sick, I took Wan Li Road.
Sometimes the emperor has orders that must be conveyed quickly, so he takes a boat from Baidicheng in the morning and arrives in Jiangling at night. The distance between the two places is 1200 miles. Even if riding a fast horse and driving the wind, it won't be so fast. (4) It is a kind of melancholy, the empty valley spreads, and the sorrow turns for a long time.
The sound is continuous, very sad and strange, and the echo of the ape's cry comes from the empty valley, which is sad and tactfully, and has not been seen for a long time. (5) The plain green pool reflects the white rapids, the green pool and the swaying waves reflect the shadows of various scenery.
7. Fill in the blank: (1)① The Three Gorges is selected from Notes on Water Classics, which is the general name of Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge between Fengjie, Chongqing and Yichang, Hubei. Author Li Daoyuan is good at writing and a geographer in the Northern Wei Dynasty.
(2) In the Three Gorges article, the sentence that always describes the landform of the Three Gorges is: Since the Three Gorges is 700 miles long, there are mountains on both sides, and nothing is lacking. Rocks piled up, blocking the sunshine in the sky, and there was no sunrise since midnight.
Therefore, the fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge of the Three Gorges in Badong is long, and the ape cries and tears three times." (2) In this paper, "the mountains cover the mountains, and the sky blocks the sun" is used to describe the high mountain shape, and "the forest is chilly, and there are often high apes whistling" to describe the beauty of late autumn.
The ape singing in the article highlights the sadness of the environment. (3) From the article "Sometimes Send Baidicheng to Jiangling at dusk", we can think of the poem in Li Bai's "Looking at Tianmen Mountain": "Farewell to Baidicheng, and return to Jiangling for a thousand miles a day."
"I rode for 1,200 miles against the wind, but I didn't get sick" and "I am like an arrow, if fierce wave rushes" in the article "With Zhu" have the same effect in describing the water potential. (4)① Sentence describing the summer scenery of the Three Gorges: As for Xiangling Mountain in summer, it is blocked along the back.
Or the king ordered an emergency notice, sometimes going to Baidicheng and going to Jiangling at dusk. During this period, although he took the wind, he didn't get sick. (2) Sentences describing the scenery of the Three Gorges in spring and summer: In spring and summer, the green pool is surging and the reflection is clear.
There are many strange cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls flying in them. Rong Qing Junmao, it's fun.
(3) The sentence describing the Three Gorges autumn scenery: Every sunny day with the first frost, the forest is chilly and cold, and there are often high apes whistling, which leads to sad cries, and the empty valley echoes and the sorrow turns for a long time. So the fisherman sang: "The Wuxia Gorge in the Three Gorges of Badong is long, and the apes cry three times, and tears are spilled on their skirts."
8. Talk about "No sunrise since midnight". What is the function of a sentence expressed in the text? Describe the height of the mountain from the side, and comprehensively express the characteristics of the Three Gorges with scenes under specific conditions.
9. What are the characteristics of the Three Gorges in the first section? The mountains are flat and narrow in the middle. 10. According to the relevant statement in the first paragraph, talk about the characteristics of the mountains on both sides of the Three Gorges.
(Try to sum it up in two words): Lian 1 1. What's the difference between "heavy stone" and "covering the sky and the sun"? Stones overlap, and the height of the mountain itself is written from the top down; Hide the sky from the sun, match it with the sun, and you can see it when you look up. 12. Please use "four-word phrases" to summarize the characteristics of the four seasons scenery of the Three Gorges: summer: swift water, spring and winter, clear glow, majestic autumn, and Lin Han and Su Jian 13. Try to analyze how the second paragraph describes the characteristics of summer water potential.
Write from the front first, and then write in two layers: summarize the sinister water potential with "blocking along the back"; Give a concrete impression with the special case of "Wang Ming's emergency announcement". Coupled with the metaphor of galloping horses, people feel more vivid and profound.
14. Explain the author's writing ideas in the third paragraph. First write what you see from overlooking the river, then what you see from looking up, from the bottom of the gorge to the foot of the mountain, and finally the author summarizes and writes four kinds of scenery.
15. What did the author capture in the Three Gorges autumn scenery? What atmosphere is highlighted? An ape caught something representative. Highlighting the desolate and cold atmosphere.
16. Discussion: Why didn't the author write the four seasons scenery of the Three Gorges in chronological order, but wrote the summer scenery first? Key points of the answer: The author annotated the river, focusing on water, which is abundant in summer, so the title is "Summer Water".
17. Q&A: (1) This article focuses on describing the majestic mountains and four seasons scenery of the Three Gorges. .
4. Several usages of the word "Jue" in ancient Chinese are definitely juéの( 1) (I know.
From (m √), it is related to the line, from the knife, from (people). It means that a person breaks a wire with a knife.
Original meaning: broken wire) (2) [broken wire] has the same original meaning. -"Shuo Wen" crown tassel cable.
-"Historical Records" (3) Another example: No baby (the crown was beheaded. Metaphor magnanimity) 4 extended to break, cut off [cut off; Absolutely, absolutely.
-"Guangya" is a masterpiece. -"Historical Records" will definitely be conspiracy theories.
-"The Warring States Policy Qin Ce" is absolutely neat. (Absolutely, break off diplomatic relations with Qi. )
-"Historical Records Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng" takes Qin and Zhao Zhihuan as the most important. -"Historical Records, Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru" was given to the king of Qin.
If you get water, you will never get it. -"Zhuangzi Zhile" is absolutely fascinating.
-"Xunzi Outline" Qin Wang was surprised and started from the beginning. -"Historical Records, Biography of Assassins" was unexpected.
-"Everything is wrong, the road" means that the stove is burnt out. -Liu Tang Zongyuan's Biography of Sub-districts has been talking about.
-Song Ouyang Xiu's "Preface to Drunk Pavilion" (5) Another example: Never sell (sell property rights; Redemption is no longer allowed after sale); Never wear a skirt (tear it off). It is difficult to retain); Sacrifice (cutting off the sacrifices of ancestors).
Metaphor country perish, no children) (6) cut off; [Cut off] clothes. -"Hidden mistakes" Although Chu is small today, its length is extremely short, and there are still thousands of miles.
-"The Warring States Policy and Chu Ce" bid farewell on the 7th. -"Zhou Li Bamboo".
Sinong's note: "If you don't follow its source, you will cut your lungs and sacrifice it." (7) Another example: absolute arrogance (cutting off the neck); Extinction (broken neck); Extinction (breaking the patella); Complement each other (here refers to measuring the size of the country.
After that, it is often used to intercept the surplus to make up for the deficiency. (8) Breathing stops; Faint [dead], screaming for her heart -"Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" (9) Another example: Juedan (the death list of prisoners filled out by prison officials); Extinction (extinction of its species); Desperate words (articles written before dying) (10) have roots, and there are absolutely four children without offspring.
-The Analects of Confucius. Uncle Huang: "Nothing."
(1 1) Another example is: closing business (Wang has been interrupted); Absence (no offspring); Crossing (12); [Crossing] The Great River, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Break, break, cross.
A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. -"Xunzi, Encourage Learning" is a must.
-"Mu Chuan" Zhang Ren crossed the river. -"Lu Chunqiu Yi Bao".
Note: "Too many." (13) another example: absolute traffic jam (crossing traffic jam; Cross the border); Desert extinction (crossing the desert); Danger (crossing obstacles) (14) Falling [falling] Although it is withered, it is harmless and sorrowful.
-Song of the South (15) was eliminated; Give up [eradicate completely]; Destroy] peerless. -"Zuo Zhuan, fifteen years of mourning for the public".
Note: "I'd better give up." (16) Another example: broken string (broken string, no longer used); Juexue (abandoning school; Leave school); Abandoning benevolence and righteousness (abandoning worldly benevolence, returning to simplicity and simplicity) (17) surpasses [surname].
Such as: before the last light (beyond ancient and modern times); Unique (beyond the secular); Unique talent (extraordinary talent); Unique (extraordinary) (18) Stop [stop] You keep drinking. -"Lu Chunqiu Quan Xun".
Note: "Stop." The lateral branches of cells are absolutely unique.
-Su Wen's Theory of Ice Cream can't be unique. -"Mozi Gong Xi" was silent for a long time.
-Tang Du Fu's "Stone Trench" The weak die first. -[English] The Evolution written by Huxley and translated by Yan Fu (19) is another example: stop breathing; Pulse stop (pulse stop) (20) failure; Exhausted.
-Lu Chunqiu and Ji Chun. Note: "Life without food is the best."
Rivers and mountains do not flow. -"Huai Nan Zi Ben Jing".
Note: "Tired." An endless plain.
Bao Zhao Shi. Note: "It is still enough."
(2 1) another example: try your best; Absolutely (extremely). Do what you can); Never shout (loudly); (Yin Qi is exhausted and absolutely overcast.
Yin and yang teachers call the fifth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar a day of abstinence from Yin, which is not suitable for Pepsi. ) part-of-speech changes-. Superb; Wonderful] wonderful words. -"Cai Yong Cao E Inscription" (2) Another example: Juexue (unique learning); Absolutely unrestrained (such as galloping a swift horse); Unique talent (extraordinary talent)
Unprecedented talent); Desperate (a master with first-class talent) (3) out of reach [far away] It is very close to the party's territory. -Yang Xiong's Yang Changfu.
Note: "Far." (4) Another example: remote areas (far away places); Jedi (far away); Infinite (extremely far away); An isolated country (a remote and isolated country); Absolute (extremely far away); Jue county (remote county); Forbidden areas (extremely remote areas) (5) lack; Poverty [poverty]
Absolutely lacking. Demand exceeds supply) ◎ Absolute juéの( 1) Absolute; Absolute-Used before negative words.
-Fang Qing Bao's prison miscellaneous notes never sounded. (absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, fundamentally. )
-"Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" promotes weaving (2) Another example: impossible; Never on purpose; This is not accidental; Absolutely different (completely different); Nothing (nothing) (3) Extreme, the most [extreme] place in Huangshan. -"Xu Xiake's Travels: A Visit to Huangshan Mountain" has reached a critical point.
(4) Another example: very few (very few); Very early (very early); Very high. The highest peak of the mountain); Extreme peak (the highest peak of a mountain); The fastest horse.
◎ Jué の (1) quatrains [China's four lines, each with five or seven words]. Poetic style name.
Also known as "broken sentences" and "broken sentences". There are generally eight verses and only four quatrains, which are formed by intercepting half a metrical poem.
Such as: five musts; Seven musts; There are four sentences in each sentence, one with five words is called Wuqi, and the other with seven words is called Qiqi. Wang's quatrains. -Hong Song Mai's "Rong Zhai Essay" (2) refers to [hungry poor people] being cut off from food for lack.
-"On Salt and Iron" is just a farewell to Zhu Ai. After listening to [that's all], I was silent, worried and happy. -"Looking for the Headscarf" by Sun Yuan Zhang Zhong.
5. Seven Laws and Their Translation Seven Laws come from Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu in the Southern Dynasties.
The original text of "Seven Steps into Poetry" in classical Chinese:
Wendi tried to get Dong's seven-step poem to be written, and the loser did the Dafa. The answer is a poem: "Boil beans to make soup, soak them into juice; Glutinous rice is burned in the kettle, and beans weep in the kettle; This is the same root, why do you want to speculate with each other! " The emperor was deeply ashamed.
Classical Chinese translation of seven-step poetry;
Cao Pi, the Emperor of Wei Wen, once ordered Cao Zhi, the King of East Afghanistan, to write a poem within seven steps. If he can't write it, he will have to use the death penalty. Cao Zhi replied and wrote a poem: "Boiled beans are soup and soaked in juice. The dustpan is burned under the kettle, and the beans are crying in the kettle:' This is the same root, so why bother to fry!' "Wei Wendi listened to deeply ashamed.
Notes on Classical Chinese in Seven Steps of Poetry;
Wendi: Cao Pi, a Chinese character, was a writer of Wei in the Three Kingdoms period. Together with his father Cao Cao and his younger brother Cao Zhi, they are called "Three Caos".
King of Dong 'e: Cao Zhi, the word Zijian, was named King Chen, known as the "King" in the world.
Dafa: heavy punishment, heavy punishment, here refers to the death penalty.
A: With the sound, immediately.
Boiled beans and soup: Boiled beans are used to make bean soup. Soup, thick juice food.
Draining: filtering bean dregs to make bean soup. Filtering and filtering. A general term for reeds and beans.
The creative background of the seven-step poem;
Cao Pi, the eldest son of Cao Cao, succeeded to the throne after his death. Cao Pi was worried that some of his younger brothers would compete with him, so he thought it was best to strike first. He seized the military power of his second brother, Cao Zhang. At this time, the third Cao Zhi was left, and Cao Pi hated it. Cao Zhi was ordered to walk seven steps in the temple, and then improvised a poem entitled "Brothers". However, the word "brother" does not appear in this poem. If it works, forget it. If you fail, you will be beheaded.
Without thinking about it, Cao Zhi blurted out immediately: "Boil beans as soup and soak them as juice. The mash burns under the pot,
The beans are crying in the kettle. This is the same root, and we are too eager to fry each other. "This is the famous" seven steps into a poem ". After hearing this, Cao Pi burst into tears, but failed to do it. He just demoted Cao Zhi to the Hou of Anxiang. While praising Cao Zhi's quick thinking, the story exposes the dark scene of power struggle and killing each other within the ruling class.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Seven Steps of Poetry
6. Translated by Liu Yinchuan in Classical Chinese Liu Yinzi is an emerging person in the prosperous times.
Gaozu Liu Ling is a doctor in Han Guanglu. Liu Yin lost his father at the age of seven, and the funeral was too formal. He mourned for three years and never laughed.
Mrs. Wang wanted to eat viola in the middle of winter and said nothing. She didn't have enough to eat for ten days. Liu Yin was surprised and asked her, and Wang told him the reason.
Liu Yin was only nine years old at that time, so he went to Zezhong to cry and said, "Liu Yin is guilty, and I was punished by Ding Nan since I was a child. Wang's great-grandmother was in class and had no support for ten days. " Liu Yin, as a human being, I can't get what I want. I hope to be merciful. "
I cried for a long time, and suddenly someone seemed to say, "Stop, stop." Liu Yin stopped crying and looked at the ground. Seeing viola growing on the ground, she dug a handful and went home. It didn't decrease after eating. By this time, Viola had grown up.
Someone once dreamed at night that someone said to him, "There is corn under the hedge." I woke up and dug corn for fifteen minutes. It reads: "There were a hundred stones of corn in seven years, and I gave it to my dutiful son Liu Yin."
From then on, I ate corn, and it took me seven years to finish it. At that time, people rewarded him for his natural sense of god and gave him Gu Mi silk.
Liu Yin did not politely decline, but accepted it, saying that he would pay it back when he had money. As a minor, he is knowledgeable, proficient in classics and history, comprehensively summarizes the words of various factions, and prepares articles and poems.
Free and easy temperament, ambition to help the world, frugal but not stingy, clear agreement but not arrogant, looks submissive and inviolable. All the villagers and relatives praised him.
Appointed as the county master book and recruited as a state, they all refused to take office on the grounds that there was no one to support them at home. The King of Qi Sikong and Sima You recruited Ren Mao, and the South General Yang Hucheng recruited him to join the army, but they all refused because of illness.
Zhang, a man of insight in the same county, advised Liu Yin to leave at the call. Liu Yin said: "Today, these two gentlemen are the pillars of the Jin Dynasty.
I just want to make a rafter with tiles in the house. What can I do without them? Now that my great-grandmother Wang is in the hall, once she accepts other missions, she can't support herself without fulfilling her duties as a minister. The reason for rejecting Dr. Qi is actually because no one in the family can support their parents happily. "
Zhang said, "What you said can't be understood! From now on, you are my teacher. " So I married my daughter to him.
Zhang's surname is Bingzhou, and his family is well-off. His wife said angrily, "My daughter is fourteen years old. So beautiful and smart, are you still worried about not being a princess of a duke? But quickly married her to Liu Yin! " Zhang said: "This is not something you can consider."
Admonish her daughter: "Liu Yin's filial piety touched ghosts and gods, and his talent was beyond the world. This person will eventually become a world celebrity, so you should serve him well. " Zhang's temperament is also very graceful. He is famous for his filial service to his mother-in-law, Wang, and Liu Yin as his father.
By the time Wang died, Liu Yin and his wife were heartbroken, weakened and almost died. At that time, the king's coffin was parked at home, and the west neighbor caught fire. The wind was very strong, and Liu Yin and his wife kowtowed painfully in front of the coffin, so the fire crossed his house and burned to the east neighbor. Later, two white doves built their nests in the trees in his yard, which made them more famous.
When teacher Yang Jun assisted the government, he prepared a gift to hire Liu Yin, who insisted on resigning on the grounds that her mother was old. Yang Jun then served on the table, and the emperor praised Mei Jia's letters for fulfilling his intellectual ability, allowing him to fulfill his filial piety of supporting his mother, and ordered the local authorities to provide him with food and clothing, exempt him from tribute, and give him two hundred silks and five hundred welcome.
Sima Lun, the prince of Zhao, compiled the position, and Sun Xiu always respected Liu Yin's fame, so he was recruited as a regular servant of the scattered riding, and Liu Yin fled to Yanmen. When Sima Tang, the king of Qi, assisted in the administration of state affairs, he was recruited as the general Sima Jun to discuss and offer a drink.
After he came to power, he said to Liu Yin, "The late king humbly invited you, but you didn't come. Now that you are alone, how can you give in? " Liu Yin said: "The ancestors followed the destiny of the Great Sage, and the first king and even Germany assisted the country, that is, Yao and Shun were the kings and supplemented. Therefore, Liu Yin hoped to achieve his unchangeable wish by himself, and was lucky enough to meet the Tang Yu sage, so he was not afraid of punishment.
Now your Majesty has regained the throne with the wisdom of SHEN WOO, but the miracle has begun to take shape, and Wei Yan is even heavier. If Liu Yin is like before, I'm afraid it will incur the punishment of the gentry, so I dare not come. "Sima Tang thought he was very strange, so he was appointed as the emerging satrap, and his punishment was observant in recognition of goodness and beauty, which made him very successful.
Encountered Yongjia rebellion and fell into the hands of Liu Cong. Liu Cong appreciated his talent and promoted him. He worked as an assistant, a member of the Pacific Guard and a recorder.
Liu Yin often admonishes his children and grandchildren: "When serving the monarch, we should pay attention to gentle words and exhortations. Even mortals dare not reprimand him face to face for his faults, let alone the king of a thousand riders! " The disaster of offending the feast is to publicize the faults of the monarch. We should think about the truth of Zhao Gong's consultation, and think about Bao Xun's punishment for violating Longyan. "In the imperial court of Liu Cong, when you get along with officials or officials, you often have the expression of putting yourself behind.
A scholar who doesn't cultivate self-cultivation can't enter his door. However, hundreds of people rely on Liu Yin to beg for grievances. Liu Yin has seven sons, five of whom are professors.
One son teaches Taishigong and the other teaches Hanshu. Seven of them are thriving, and Liu Yin's family is the most prosperous one in the north. In the end, I don't want to talk to each other.
7. Translation of Classical Chinese: Sima Wengong (Sima Guang) had a poor memory when he was a child and lived in groups to give lectures. All the brothers began to chant and rest; If one person is editing, it can only be repeated twice.
Those who work harder will go further, and what they recite will be unforgettable for life. Wen Gong often said: "A book must be memorized, or when you are right away, or when you don't sleep in the middle of the night, recite its words and think about its meaning, and you will get more."
1. Translation: A. If you are a person, you will never edit it. You can recite it twice and then stop. Those who make more efforts will go further.
4. Explain the words in the sentence: A. Remembering suffering is not like a person [suffering]: B. All brothers have become chanting people [all]: C. Never forget [but]: D. Or add a comma to the following sentence: Smarwin remembers the suffering of his youth, but he is not like a person. The sentence that can summarize the main idea of this article is.