2, "Paper Boat"-I never refuse to throw away a piece of paper, always keep it-keep it, fold it into a boat and throw it into the sea. Some were blown into the window of the ship by the wind, and some were wet by the waves and stuck to the bow. I am still not discouraged. I always hope that a place can only flow where I want it to go. Mom, if you see a white boat in your dream, don't be surprised that it dreams for no reason. This is your beloved daughter with tears in her eyes. Wanshui Qian Shan begged it to bring her love and sadness home. 1923 Pacific ship.
3, "Flower of Success" The flower of success, people only admire her current glory! However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked with tears of struggle and shed blood rain of sacrifice. Green shoots, green shoots, say to the youth,' Develop yourself! "Faint white flowers, the youth said," Contribute yourself! The crimson fruit said to the young man, "sacrifice yourself!" "
4, "Morning" Guang Xiao is broken, and the customs are clear. My heart is like a bird flying in the wind. Flying all over the world, to the sea pole, to the sea pole, is your love. Jesus Christ. Your love is everywhere, your hand guides me and your right hand supports me. My heart is like a bird, lifted by the wind and inseparable from your infinite love. Amen.
5. "Dusk" in the bright paradise: flowers are blooming, birds are singing, the spring of life is gurgling, and the sun is slowly setting, reflecting the afterglow-are you shaking hands with everything? Is it a farewell song? A slight cool breeze blew, and in the light and shadow, the creator of the universe, himself, walked slowly in the garden. Lord! Did you create them to praise you? Yes, praise him. He is in the past, present and forever. Amen.
6, "Twilight" God! Infinite wisdom, infinite mystery, who can know? Is that me? Is that him? No, for God's sake, except that you showed him out of the light! Show me from the light, show him countless things in the universe. Amen.
7. The paste of "Who is he" will be used up, leaving only a circle of shadows. The branch was injured, leaving only a few groans. Everything that doesn't shine is blown out, and everything that doesn't bloom is broken. Jesus Christ. "The injured reed, he didn't break. He won't blow out the broken lamp. " Our light-his love, never ending, amen.
8, "Dawn" Yan Jing world, brilliant world-at dawn, who feels that I am awake? God, in your quiet light, my heart is calm, my heart is calm. I want to eulogize. Attention, you should wake up. Get up and praise the Lord. Chin, chin, it's time to wake up. Get up and praise the Lord. It's dawn. Who feels I'm awake? Amen.