There is an old saying that Zhuge Liang is the best in the world and Liu Bowen is the best in the world. I believe everyone has heard of this sentence, but basically they don't know how it came from. After all, although it is true, it is obvious to flatter Liu Bowen. According to folklore, this sentence was said by Liu Bowen himself. When he passed through Sichuan, he went to visit Zhuge Wuhou Temple. After respectfully lighting three incense sticks on the ground, he looked at the solemn statue of Zhuge Liang and suddenly poured into 10 thousand thoughts.
Not only did I think of the hardships of Zhuge Liang's life, but I also thought that when he lived in seclusion in Longzhong, he had laid a three-point world situation, which was both leisurely and fascinating for a while. I also think of myself as Zhuge Liang. I studied the art of war hard since I was a child, assisted a man who had nothing, and helped him become an emperor. But he helped the emperor to unify the country successfully. Although Zhuge Liang made great efforts, he only helped the emperor divide the world into three parts, so he naturally sang "Zhuge Liang divided the world into three parts and unified Liu Bowen", and his pride and complacency were beyond words.
Just as Liu Bowen was ecstatic, a small piece of paper suddenly landed lightly on the plaque of Zhuge Wuhou Temple and floated directly to the palm of Liu Bowen's hand. When I unfolded it, I saw a poem written on it, "Zhuge Liang is divided into three parts, and Liu Bowen is unified." I know there is Liu Bowen. Do you know who you are? "Although what I have done is really different, I know the end of my life, and I even know that you will come here. Do you know what your ending is?
Liu Bowen immediately broke out in a cold sweat after seeing this little poem. Remembering that he helped Gou Jian destroy Wu, he was rewarded in the end. The style of writing left by Gou Jian was sentenced to death by Gou Jian. Is he going to be Fan Li or a literary giant? Obviously, this is Zhuge Liang reminding him how to choose his own ending. When Liu Bowen realized it, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Zhuge Liang for three times.
After crossing the threshold of Zhuge Wuhou Temple, Liu Bowen wrote to the court, resigned and retired to his hometown, and finally died at home. Compared with those heroes who were accused of murder or even genocide in the same period, the ending was a happy ending, and I had to sigh at his wisdom.