Why is literature so important?

PB Shelley wrote in 1920, defending poetry,

"A person, to be very good, must have a strong and comprehensive imagination; He must put himself in the position of another person and many others; The pain and happiness of his species must be his own. The great tool of moral goodness is imagination. "

Literature teaches us how to live. Literature allows readers to visit places, experience events, meet people, listen to them and feel their happiness and pain. It takes several years to gain so much wisdom and instill a book with literary value into readers. Literature reflects society and its behavior. Because of Charles Dickens, you can experience the hard times of Victorian England without detailed historical research. The fact-based education system, fragmented interpersonal relationships, smoky towns, the adverse effects of the industrial revolution, the sufferings of workers, men's mercenary instinct and the flawed land legal system ..... This book will give you a comprehensive understanding of the various drawbacks of Victorian British society. Wordsworth's poems make you feel the beauty of his daffodils and the serenity of the songs he sang in his lonely death. Similarly, Eliot makes you sympathize with the spiritual poverty of this world that has become a wasteland. Wilfred Irving forces you to think about countries and people who are insensitive and praise war. Literature is a treasure house of all knowledge and wisdom. As Wordsworth said, history, political studies, philosophy, science and all other forms of learning are all part of literature:

Poetry (and the extension of all literature) is the breath of all knowledge and a better spirit ... poets connect the huge empire of human society through * * * and knowledge, because it covers the whole earth and spans all the time. "

The great lev tolstoy's What is Art explains the importance of all arts to human society. This is a key excerpt:

Because, because human beings have the ability to express their thoughts in language, everyone can know what all human beings have done for him in the field of thought before his time, and now, because of this ability to understand thoughts, others can enjoy their activities, and he can pass on the thoughts he absorbed from others and the thoughts he generated from his own heart to his contemporaries and future generations; Therefore, because human beings can infect others' feelings through art, he can get in touch with everything that his contemporaries have experienced and the feelings that human beings experienced thousands of years ago, and he also has the possibility to pass on his feelings to others.

If people are unable to accept the ideas of their ancestors, they can't pass on their ideas to others, just like wild animals. ...

It is not enough to study the human condition. In order to gain wisdom, one must feel that state. Literature provides a richer life. No other form of learning can bring the richness brought by reading. Literature is a torchbearer who helps civilization overcome barbarism and darkness. Without the great Ramayana, Mahabharata and Vedic India would not be called Sone ki chidiya. Similarly, what makes Greece the mother of European civilization is its great literature.

Therefore, in Tolstoy's words, people without literature are like beasts, because literature gives readers an understanding and empathy, even for a person who is far away from him. Literature unites mankind. ...